So much for the buyer Minerve assured HCDC's ancillary judge would be purchasing the property, it's been newly listed for sale.
Jacobo Cordova's water-damaged residence at 6 Heritage Court, Houston, a property valued at $830,000 was facing a March foreclosure auction.
The CFPB will do everything under the law to ensure that illegal junk fees don’t drive prices up in the consumer financial...
Since Nov. 2023, US/TX gov. has intercepted the legal filings sent by 85-year old Joanna Burke, and refused to file time-sensitive pleadings.
With non-contested judicial orders of foreclosure in 2010, 2013 and 2019, the property is still owned in Feb. 2024, by Oliver and...
A State Bar member on inactive status may not engage in the practice of law in Texas. (Tex. Govt. Code §81.053(a)).
If you're a lawyer who doesn't mind thievin' or stealin' real estate from distressed or elderly homeowners, become a lawyer or judge...
LIT's Ongoing Investigations Expose the Legal Culprits: Unraveling the Dark Web of Mortgage Fraud and Elder Abuse in Texas Courts.
Mental illness issues re Sen. Fetterman and Judge Hildago publicly lauded but distressed homeowners are left to commit suicide by foreclosure.
LIT's investigation lays bare a troubling story of elder abuse, with Deutsche Bank, PHH and legal counsel at the center of the...
Plaintiff was not a party to the deed of trust or loan agreement upon which the foreclosure sale of the subject property...
Legal Vigilance at 85: Widow's Stand Against Unlawful Property Seizure as Her Brave Crusade Shines Light on Wall St. Property Theft Tactics.
It's not just predatory lending you have to worry about when challenging Wall St. Banks, it's elder abuse and their murderous intent.
Richard "Rich" Rode is working as a Life Support Manager. We cannot think of a better role when taking on Deutsche Bank...
This is not the first time the Galloway Law Firm's application for foreclosure is not compliant with Harris County District Court rules.
Texan Dilemma: Will the corrupt Texas Courts and Gov. collude to settle with Deutsche Bank and PHH Ocwen, or obliterate $4M judgment?
After Hurricane Harvey it is alleged that PHH Mortgage locked out Robins from her home. She still lists the home as her...
Ocwen PHH's egregious act was to use HAMP to POSTPONE foreclosures and add big balloon payments, NOT to help homeowners keep their...