The SCOTUS Chief of Ochlocracy's annual report for 2024 has been released.
— lawsinusa (@lawsinusa) January 1, 2025
LIT has still to read this PR statement on why judicial corruption is for keeps in America, but we already know its contents, as actions speak louder than words.
Happy New Year. 🔥
Happy 86th Birthday @jcbrhodesia
— lawsinusa (@lawsinusa) November 25, 2024
You've been thru WWII, married a Paratrooper, lived in Africa during war and revolution. Now, living in America you have witnessed the type of Govt bribery n corruption that you thought was only for dictators. They underestimated your heart. xx
Julio Flores Still Facing Foreclosure by BDF Hopkins After Peter takes a Permanent Knapp
Tax Dodgin’ Elysium Portfolio Sue for Breach of Contract Represented by Legal Bandits Hopkins Law
Bandit Lawyer Hagger Abandons Client as Judge Hanen Issues Particularly Unpersuasive Opinion
Looking to thwart foreclosure of the home at 826 Bunker Hill Road Houston TX...
The Order is overbroad because it enjoins Defendants from foreclosing for 64 days and...
Vu Truong returns to HCDC re the same apt at 1901 Post Oak. In...
Shielded by the US Government’s Lawyer Protection Program, Robert C. Vilt is Striking Deals.
Shielded by the US Government’s Lawyer Protection Program, Robert Clayton Vilt Takes on New...
Contrary to what Plaintiff argues, subject matter jurisdiction existed in this Court at the...
This judicial order, which erroneously claims the lien has already been foreclosed would allow...
PHH has been burdened by Plaintiff’s continued litigation, as have various lawyers and government...
No May Be In Texas: It is well-settled that possession and title are not...
Outgoing Judge Morris grants Deutsche Bank summary judgment on last day in corrupt order...
Aborting the Radical Biblical-Pounding Court at the Fifth Circuit: Unanimous SCOTUS Justices Reverse (9-0)
Tiny Home and Mortgage: Debt Buyer OneMain Fin. Grp Backed by Homeowner-Hostile Fifth Circuit
Morlock LLC’s 13 Years of “Thwarting Foreclosure” Ends With Free and Clear Title on $720k Valued Home
Previously Convicted for Family Violence Pro Se Tim Schoenbauer Tries Kickin’ Butt Again
Pro Se Vexatious Litigant Lou Tyler’s 8th Lawsuit in N.D. Texas Federal Court on Appeal to the Fifth Circuit
Morlock LLC: A Series of Baseless Lawsuits n’ Appeals by Sanctioned Texas Lawyer Sayeth Fed. Judges
Justice Meagan Hassan: Expert Witness to the Judiciary’s Elder Abuse and Persecution of Joanna Burke
Conrell Hadley Hands the Baton to Bandit Lawyer Eric Rhodes in Back-to-Back Lawsuit
Against All Odds: Elizabeth Callan Received a Mortgage-Free Home from Deutsche Bank
Contrary to what Plaintiff argues, subject matter jurisdiction existed in this Court at the...
This judicial order, which erroneously claims the lien has already been foreclosed would allow...
PHH has been burdened by Plaintiff’s continued litigation, as have various lawyers and government...
No May Be In Texas: It is well-settled that possession and title are not...
Judge Werlein recused in July and hence ONITY's argument is frivolous, and their motion...
Supreme Court: Judicial Immunity, Imperialism and Immortality Will Be Brutally Enforced by Fearful Judges
A Wild West Blunder: PHH’s Hired Bounty Hunters at Hopkins Law Deliver a Cockamamie Response
Vilt’s Scandalous Journey: From the Great Recession Fee Fraud to Distressed Homeowner Scams
The district court, in adopting the magistrate judge's recommendation, erred in dismissing Sharnez's § 1981, § 1982, and Title II claims.
Questionably, why did Bank of New York allow the HOA to foreclose by default for $700 after they foreclosed on the homeowners...
Justice Goodman's correction and rejection of specific evidence requirement should have been in the body of the opinion, not as a footnote.
Michael Harris's return was put on the Houston Rocket Docket re 4707 Schlipf Rd, Katy, TX 77493
NEW YORK: The Supreme Court properly denied PHH ONITY and US Bank's time-barred motion and canceling mortgage.
The Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia has not recognized a tort of wrongful foreclosure as a cause of action in...
It looks like BDF lawyer Peter Knapp has taken a permanent nap from his position as Shelley Hopkins enters to cover for...
Mark Hopkins enters Harris County with Elysium Portfolio LLC in this bottom feeder sale and purchase dispute between TX RE Investors.
A district court has jurisdiction to hear appeals of a bankruptcy court’s nonfinal, interlocutory orders only with leave of the court.
No May Be In Texas: It is well-settled that possession and title are not obtained by the lender until the sale has...
Magistrate Judge Christina A. Bryan and District Judge Sim Lake Eviscerated by Fifth Circuit
The De La Torres 2011 Nonjudicial Foreclosure Spiraled Into Several Lawsuits n’ Parties by 2025
Title, Adverse Possession and Subject-Matter Jurisdiction Explained in Texas Eviction Appeal
4707 Schlipf Road is Back in Houston Federal Court, Very Temporarily
We’re On It with ONITY n’ PHH in NY: Foreclosure Lawsuit Time-Barred and Mortgage Canceled
Meanwhile in West Virginia No Wrongful Foreclosure is the Gist of Inheritors Disputed $1.75M Award