Maneuvers to appoint rather than elect Justice Blackwell’s replacement already gives the appearance that a group of insiders have determined that hand-selecting...
The fact is many of those with judicial grievances normally pen judicial complaints while high on emotions and fall into the trap...
We are in a time of unprecedented crisis. We must focus on clearing as many people as possible out of our jails...
Two elderly citizens, in poor health and fighting a wrongful foreclosure, are issued a 'death warrant' only 5 days after Gov. Abbott's...
"A key strength of our adversarial legal system is that we can learn the boundaries of the law from past cases,” Tushnet...
Burke v Ocwen and CFPB, that's right, the consumer watchdog objects to the consumers.
A Pennsylvania lawyer has won reinstatement to practice after his suspension for letting a Luzerne County judge use his beach house in...
2020 started out a bit above budget, Sloan said, noting that uncertainty in energy markets led the firm to budget conservatively for...
Department of the Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin apparently enjoyed working with some of his compatriots at OneWest Bank so much that he’s now moving to...
"We can't do a capital punishment case, and one judge confessed to me that this is the closest thing that he has...
During the middle of a trial, attorney Jack Yetiv threatened to file a disciplinary grievance against opposing counsel Bruce Wilkin unless Wilkin...
Proposed intervenor Adam Levitin, a professor at Georgetown University Law Center wrote a blog post about the sealing of the court papers...
Secrecy is fine at the discovery stage, before the material enters the judicial record. But those documents, usually a small subset of...
The public thus has a right to access complaints in pending cases, in the weeks before an answer is filed, in the...
The State Bar of Texas' March Madness List of 15 disciplined lawyers and judges. Then there's the secret eight, a list of...
As disciplinary issues for this Arlington based Texas Immigration attorney mounted, David Do was apparently fast to resign. Texas Supreme Court obliged.
I can no longer say that with any confidence. You (Chief Justice John Roberts) are doing far more— and far worse– than...
In summary, the court concludes that AP may successfully assert the fiduciary exception against Cigna; or, stated differently, Cigna "cannot assert the...