Burke v. Hopkins et al
S.D. Tex. and CA5 Appeal (20-20209)
Currently on Appeal, [ASSUMED] it has been stayed while FHFA case resolved at U.S. Supreme Court. See email correspondence below from CA5.
Lead is Snr Judge Edith Clement in this 3-panel, Judge Stephen Higginson was panel member and author of the first erroneous opinion in Deutsche I (15-20201) and Judge JW Elrod is Mrs. Federalist Society and Ethics Backup Singer.
Burke v. Ocwen et al
S.D. Tex. and CA5 Appeal (19-20267)
Currently on Appeal, [ASSUMED] it has been stayed while FHFA case resolved at U.S. Supreme Court. See email correspondence below from CA5.
Via Email: Oct 5, 2020 to CA5
Dear Clerk of Court
On the 21st of Sept, en banc held oral argument in the case of CFPB v. All American Check Cashing Inc., case #18-60302. This is pertinent to our appeals, cases #19-20267 and 20-20209.
However there is no available MP3 download on your website as at 10/5/2020, some 2 weeks later.
We would respectfully ask when is this oral argument going to be available on your website at your oral argument recordings section?
Thanking you in advance for your assistance in this matter.
Joanna Burke
Ms. Burke,
Case 18-60302 was not heard on 9/21/20, therefore there is no recording to make available. The case was removed from the calendar on 9/8/20 and has been placed in abeyance pending a decision in 2 US Supreme Court cases, 19-422 & 19-563.
Lead is Judge Patrick Higginbotham in this 3-panel, Judge Leslie Southwick maintains a relatively low key position barring the odd high profile political case, and former Supreme Court Justice and Twitter ‘laureate’ Judge Don Ray Willett.
Burke v. Ocwen et al, Intervention II
S.D. Fl and CA11 Appeal (21-12160)
The Burkes are back for Round II.
Burke v. Ocwen et al, Intervention
S.D. Fl and CA11 Appeal (19-13015)
Judicial and Legal Lawlessness ended the Burke’s motion to intervene, but not their will for justice to prevail.
Questions That Need Answers
In order to effect change, we need your strength. A determined community of civilians and organizations that see the value in our campaign:
“Restore Moral Integrity to Texas Courts”. #RESTORETX
Steve Mnuchin
Why is government, and in particular, the part of government that controls mortgages and lending, led by US Treasurer and active “foreclosure king” Steve Mnuchin, formerly of IndyMac and OneWest?
Conflict of Interest.
Joseph Otting
How about Mnuchin’s newly appointed colleague, Joseph Otting, Comptroller of the Currency.
Why is he leading the OCC? This was the individual who would write to the OCC in his role as CEO at OneWest Bank (now CIT) asking for documentation from the FDIC to help expedite foreclosures due to “lost paperwork”.
Mick Mulvaney
A lawyer defending foreclosure lawyers from a position in Government called a “Consumer” department (CFPB).
Why is the CFPB writing Amicus Briefs for the pending Obduskey Supreme Court case when they are called the “consumer” agency – yet supporting debt collecting foreclosure lawyers?
Tommy Bastian
Why is the Supreme Court of Texas Task Force filled with Foreclosure Mill attorneys like Tommy Bastian of Barrett Daffin (BDFTE) who are pushing House Bills to expedite foreclosure?
Why are the oral hearing tapes being suppressed when these Task Forces admit on the record to fraud on the court by fabrication of documentation required to foreclose?
LIT’s promise to hold outlaws in robes accountable and in the public domain remains firm.
Here’s 2020’s end of year hall of shame for the Federal District Court and Appellate Circuit Judges.
2021 Most Wanted Stamp Collection Part I.
Outlaws in Robes. A LIT Series. https://t.co/GxZKmIgNIU
No Bull. Just the Truth.
We Light Up Corruption. pic.twitter.com/pA4Lu6rI5H— LawsInTexas (@lawsintexasusa) December 24, 2020