The notice of default, however, was not issued by Ocwen. Rather, the notice was issued and at least initially maintained by the...
RESTORETX: We Publish Real Stories backed up with Real Data about the Texas Judiciary, State and Federal Government.
We do not condone robo signing more broadly and remind that bank employees or contractors who commit forgery or prepare false affidavits...
Everyone has targets, and so does the Fifth regarding case filings. Getting them in and out as quickly as possible is a...
Aggressive Opinions from the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit are on the rise in 2018 by a known 3-panel as...
A disgruntled residential property investor gets no sympathy at the Fifth Circuit, keeping Deutsche Bank and Ocwen as the winners in this...
Castrellon brought this lawsuit, saying that agreement was made with Deutsche Bank but they later reneged. That's fine says the Fifth Circuit,...
Foreclosure laws; Can a note be endorsed with a photocopied signature? Yes. Can a “deed of trust be signed in separate but...
Leave to Amend Motion to Dismiss: we conclude that Law did not request leave to amend his complaint at the district court...
Perjury in Florida Federal Court by Judge Marra? It is now clear, Ocwen Altisource responses were also based on fear of further...