Texas Lawyer "Andy Taylor is a real clown and I will forever recuse myself from ALL cases that he files...He's a disgrace...
Judge Tami Craft’s colorful past and present conduct is disqualifying in nature according to the rules of judicial conduct.
Randy Sorrels and Alex Farrias-Sorrels are suing their home remodeling contractors. LIT asks if the contractors have good insurance coverage.
Randy Sorrels also appeared for opposing side in auto case involving the Judge, Tamika Craft Demming and her Sister - but only...
The former President of the State Bar of Texas Randy Sorrels is walking around Harris County District Courts with a Key to...
LIT can see they share the same penchant for changing names as fast as they lie under oath from Niyoka Taylor-Campbell to...
Sold on June 21, 2023, for the sum of ten bucks, a Cash Deed between Gant and Balcom (grantors) and Tamika Craft-Demming...
MD Anderson contends that Plaintiff engaged in self-help discovery by unlawfully taking the Reports in order to use them against MD Anderson.