LIT’s Explosive Series on Harris County District Judge Tami Craft
JUL 14, 2023
Main Residence
18510 Catamaran Dr, Humble, TX 77346 is jointly owned according to official real property records, Tamika Craft-Demming and Marcus Demming, wife and husband. There is a mortgage with America’s Wholesale Lender per the Deed of Trust executed in 2006 in the amount of $240,870. A review of the Zillow data reveals this property has been subject to rental during the ownership period and it would be interesting to know if the relevant tax has been declared on any rental income received from their main residence.
Rental Property
For reasons perhaps explained by what appears to be a rather turbulent marriage, in court filings, 7222 Wisteria Chase Pl, Humble, TX 77346 appears to have been the residence for a period by the judge. This is what is referred to as a Wall St. rental, most likely acquired post 2008 financial crisis and registered in Harris County as a shell entity known as PROGRESS RESIDENTIAL BORROWER 5 LLC, which rents hundreds of properties in the County and nationwide.
Kingwood Property
Recorded in Harris County real property records, on June 21, 2023, for the sum of ten dollars ($10.00), a ‘Cash Deed’ between Morgan Gant and Andrew “Andy” Balcom (grantors) and Tamika Craft-Demming and Marcus Demming is executed for the property known as 1019 Bonnie Glen, Kingwood, TX 77339.
Further investigation reveals the grantors were recently married and had purchased this gorgeous home in September 2022, relying upon a $361,000 mortgage to acquire the property, only to wake up to the home engulfed in flames, which they barely managed to escape with their dog. The family cat is missing but apparently escaped as well. However, Andy and Morgan were left homeless and without any vehicles or possessions, just a few days shy of Christmas. A Go-Fund me page was initiated and it’s raised only $2,968 at time of this post..
However, in an over-the-top gesture, the judge and her husband have acquired the beautiful lot in the livable forest for a whopping $10 dollars. It is assumed they plan to rebuild a residential home or flip the land for a quick and substantial financial windfall.
Despite the fact insurance coverage should have resolved the financial issues for Andy and Morgan, taking advantage of emotionally distressed homeowners for personal financial gain is still abhorrent, well at least in LIT’s view.
JAN 25, 2023
On Dec. 11, 2023, LIT’s founder, Mark Burke, filed a motion to disqualify Judge Tamika Craft-Demming, aka Tami Craft.
She had 3 days to decide – mandatory rule. Craft failed to do anything, rather blanking the motion. Thereafter, she went on a tirade of retaliatory acts.
First, the court refused to accept the filing, claiming the exhibits had to be renamed. Mark refused, citing to prior examples of naming convention for exhibits accepted by the court. The court would then rename all exhibits as “Exhibit”.
Then on Dec. 27, 2023 she’d be the assigned ancillary judge for party Joanna Burke in her request for a TRO in case; 202386973 – BURKE, JOANNA vs. DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY (Court 011). At the oral hearing she DENIED the TRO without reason, despite the overwhelming evidence supporting the TRO. See signed ORDER denying TRO, dated Dec. 27, 2023.
Next, on submission day – Jan. 8, 2024, Mark intervened in the matter; 202366239 – IDEA 247 INC vs. EPPS, RAYMOND (A/K/A RAY EPPS) (Court 189) and the court would GRANT Idea’s motion to STRIKE the INTERVENTION, despite the objections and request for hearings which were also blanked by the court. The order was signed at 3.35 pm.
Also, at 1.16 pm earlier that day, the court – in the case 202311266 – KRUCKEMEYER, ROBERT J vs. BLOGGER INC D/B/A LAWIN TEXAS.COM (Court 189) – would email Mark falsely claiming “The courts do not have a record of a Proposed Order for the following setting. Please file one or contact the court if there is one on file.”. This was a ruse and Mark wittingly chose to ignore the premeditated invite to respond.
As detailed below, today, Jan. 23, 2023, the court and Outlaw Craft would contradict their own rule by holding the hearing (no proposed order, no hearing) and 3 minutes later stating it was PASSED. Shortly thereafter, it is clear from the online docket, Craft would then enter her self recusal – once her trail of destruction was complete.
Let it be known, this is only the beginning, Outlaw Craft, not the end of your ongoing relationship with Mark Burke and LIT.
See; Barnhill v. Agnew, No. 12-12-00080-CV, at *2 (Tex. App. Oct. 16, 2013)
(“When a party files a motion to recuse a trial judge, the responding judge, regardless of whether the motion complies with the requisites of Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 18a, must, within three business days after the motion is filed (1) sign and file with the clerk an order of recusal or (2) sign and file with the clerk an order referring the motion to the regional presiding judge.
See TEX. R. CIV. P. 18a(f)(1).
Failure to comply with the rule renders void any actions taken subsequent to the violation.
In re A.R.,236 S.W.3d 460, 477 (Tex. App.-Dallas 2007, no pet.).”)