Overseeing a case last year involving James Patrick Allen, a homeowner in Victoria, Tex., Judge Steen examined BDF Law Group's conduct in...
These were all cases where the foreclosure was sought by a bank that was not the original lender. In the vast majority...
Foreclosure King and Real Estate Investor, and current US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin wants the Secret Service under the Treasury Departments control.
Back in 2013, we affirmed the dismissal of the Priesters’ case, holding that a four-year statute of limitations barred their attempt to...
Demand Letter to the Fifth Circuit on Behalf of President Trump; The Department of Justice has determined that the district court’s judgment...
Wells Fargo Bank, a Mortgage Servicer, a Lender or a Trustee. Well, it's all superfluous, we'll just affirm despite the National Mortgage...
Here's a joke from CFPB: For many borrowers, dealing with mortgage servicers has meant unwelcome surprises and constantly getting the runaround. In...
A proper respect for state functions, a recognition of the fact that the entire country is made up of a Union of...
Dallas lawyer and El Paso native Stuart Blaugrund filed the complaint June 11. It details various examples of Margo speaking favorably about...
Their 2015 divorce proceedings also revealed a series of other accusations as Ron Green - then Houston's second-highest-ranked political official - accused...
Paxton, who was first elected in 2014, has received a total of $782,000 from Empower Texans and Dunn. Empower Texans has also...
Regulators had to close the bank due to insider abuse and fraud by former officers, Texas Banking Commissioner Charles Cooper said in...
The FDIC is often appointed as receiver for failed banks. This page contains useful information for the customers and vendors of these...
The 5-4 US Supreme Court split decision overturned decades of precedent that barred property owners from going to federal court until their...
The Trump economy is starting to look more and more like the Obama economy.” After the sugar-high, the economy has returned to...
The concern about Deutsche Bank is that they have a history of laundering Russian money, Schiff said last December. And this, apparently,...
Trump's companies sold more than $35 million in real estate ... mostly to secretive shell companies that obscure buyers' identities. It is...
THE US SUPREME COURT HAS FAILED THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. It is Totally Unacceptable, yet the People of America are Not Saying Enough,...