CA5 is the federal Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans Louisiana and is the Judicial Executioner of Homeowners,...
The Federal Courts in Houston have Lifetime Appointed Judges who have known about this Property Scam for Many Yrs and Endorsed Theft...
US District Judge Lee Rosenthal, S.D. Texas, Houston Division
US District Judge David Hittner, S.D. Texas, Houston Division
Order on Motion to Vacate and Motion to Alter Judgment is Denied. No findings of fact or conclusions of law provided re...
US District Judge Alfred Homer "Bent" Bennett, S.D. Texas, Houston Division
Residential Capital (RESCAP) was effectively a U.S. Gov backed lender. They wanted damages post 2008 and have spent 13 plus years litigating.
Greed: The greatest theft of American's homes was decided after the 2008 financial crisis where banks were bailed out and homeowners evicted.
Meanwhile, Ken Paxton and his Senator wife Angela continue to protect Texas lawyers stealin' homes from Texas Citizens by Title Deed fraud.
Focused on making the world better one step at a time. Eliminating Poverty by Increasing Prosperity is something that we live by...
Zaffirini is a Texas Senator, the highest-ranking woman senator, has passed the most bills. LIT suggests Quality over Quantity.
When you reach 'discovery', Requests for Admissions (RFA's) are an essential tool in both state and federal court to prove your case.
Is this a title deed fraud case? Houston Lawyer Valerie Jewett certainly thinks its a conspiracy to steal a homestead from the...
No wonder there's no Affidavit by Daspit Law Firm as they enter proceedings pro se. Maybe it explains why they were allegedly...
Two Bandit Lawyers returning with recently dismissed cases confirms LIT's view that these lawyers are making a mockery of the judiciary.
The label restricted is not found in any rule, local or otherwise on Harris County District Court or upon reading TRCP.
Donald and Angela Stefanski are facing foreclosure on one of their properties, the question is, are they in a rent-to-own sale right...
Mark responds to Erick with comments in red. If Erick wants to have a conversation, he can add his responses in the...