The Fifth Circuit has applied those cases several times in its review of dismissals on the pleadings. This article surveys those opinions,...
In Florida, the law has long looked with disfavor on…slander actions against lawyers uttered in the due course of judicial procedure except...
Shawn Jaffer is a Fair Debt Collections Attorney and Texas Debt Collections Act Attorney(TDCA) in Dallas, Texas. He sues Debt Collectors.
Two Florida attorneys were arrested this week for their involvement in a nearly $750K fraud scheme - a foreclosure surplus checks scam.
We cannot stress enough. If you don't react, you will lose any and all affordable housing and be renters forever. Homeownership is...
It’s time for change and it’s time to stop allowing lawyers and judges immunity and the ability to judge themselves. No other...
Married to a judge, Bishop was a behind-the-scenes power in deciding who would get on the bench and stay there; in return...
Judge Gina Hawkins of Broward County, Fl., puts employee in a chokehold after learning her docket papers were not ready. She's now...
Lying lawyers are most likely to deceive clients in trying to get business, keeping business and making money from business.
Where were the lawyers? Busy being protected by the judiciary and government.
Eleven union officials were indicted by the Feds Thursday for allegedly steering contracts away from the very unions they are supposed to...
Appellants, Joanna Burke and John Burke (“Burkes”), now file a Motion to Strike Appellee’s Hopkins Law, PLLC, Mark Hopkins and Shelley Hopkins...
11 Texas Lawyers and Zero Judges Disciplined (and 8 Privately Disciplined) on October 2020 List of Disciplinary Actions by the State Bar...
The public should not stand for more of this misconduct in the Attorney General’s office. At the least, this bar action may...
After PHH Ocwen decided not to settle with the Kaufmann Group - the lawyer group now wants in on this case, the...
William P. Ramey III is now facing a civil lawsuit along with his law firm in this sexual assault civil action before...
By acting as both the Gilkes’ legal counsel in the foreclosure action and as counsel for RESG Inc., Payne engaged in a...