Access to Justice: Are Federal courts meeting the litigation needs of court users and a fair hearing? LIT maintains they fail on...
The facts of this court order is limited to whether or not two attorney's should be sanctioned by Marra and delegated to...
Ultimately, the people - the homeowners - over 10 million - would be sacrificed and not a single Wall St. Banker went...
The Judicial Council has an opportunity to correct not only a manifest injustice, but perversion of justice. It should do so and...
LIT believes Elrod see’s the changing of the guard in ‘active’ judgeships. As a 54 year old circuit judge, that’s regarded as...
Federal law proscribes providing the federal courts, Congress, or federal agencies with false information. The prohibition takes four forms: false statements; perjury...
Justice was not served. We sent the wrong message to victims of domestic violence by allowing a federal judge to collect a...
If you’re looking for educational material on impeachment, court and judicial committee proceedings, LIT aims to provide the most comprehensive article database...
In a series of immunity cases - qualified, judicial and attorney immunity appeals which should have been rejected, the Fifth Circuit affirms....
The Fifth Circuit 3-Panel's arguments fail to address the fact that Martinez suffered an epileptic seizure not once, but twice. The jail...
U.S. District Judge Alison J. Nathan said that the actions of the Manhattan U.S. Attorney's Office had eroded public trust in the...
The court concluded it was an unconscionable scheme calculated to interfere with the judicial system’s ability impartially to adjudicate this matter by...
The Federal Judiciary has asked Congress for $8.12 billion to fund judicial branch operations for fiscal year 2022. This should be rejected.
The district court sentenced Nora to concurrent sentence of 40 months imprisonment on each count, 1 yr probation and $13 million restitution.
Former Chief Ninth Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski, the Judicial Council of the Ninth Circuit and others should not be allowed to duck...
The failure to consider objective standards requiring judicial recusal is not consistent with the imperatives of due process.
The Insiders, a 1999 Movie Claimed Big Tobacco Never Loses in Court despite Killing Millions of Smokers. It's Now 2021 and the...
In the 11-year period that ended Nov. 30, 2017, the District of Columbia Circuit had received 478 complaints of judicial misconduct, 100%...