On Monday, 20th April, 2020, Judge Charles Wilson of the Eleventh Circuit Denied the Intervenors Motion, thus penalizing the Appellants for a...
“McDonald stole from the Warren EDA, misused its financial assets, deceived its leadership, withheld necessary information from the Warren EDA, misappropriated Warren...
It is obvious the Burkes intend to file a second motion to disqualify Judge Pryor based the on new facts raised (sealing...
The Banks and non-banks are preparing for the next financial crisis - and this time they are well prepared - a learning...
"A key strength of our adversarial legal system is that we can learn the boundaries of the law from past cases,” Tushnet...
Burke v Ocwen and CFPB, that's right, the consumer watchdog objects to the consumers.
Burke v Ocwen and CFPB, that's right, the consumer watchdog objects to the consumers.
When a motion to disqualify a judge is based on the judge’s ownership interest in certain real estate, the public must be...
Current federal jurisprudence grants judges wide latitude in the exercise of contempt powers, which in turn can lead to dire consequences for...
"Both New Residential and Ocwen have evolved tremendously since we first announced our agency subservicing agreement with PHH. We believe this transfer...
Unbeknownst to many, federal courts have the power under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure to set aside judgments entered years earlier...
The Trump administration believes that the bureau’s lone director is unconstitutionally shielded from accountability to the president, yet the Justice Department’s final...
A leading conservative U.S. Supreme Court advocate on Wednesday urged the justices to uphold the single-director independent design of the Consumer Financial...
Maintaining the 11 year run as we close out 2019, the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has gifted OCWEN Loan...
Judge Rosenthal: This mortgage-foreclosure case is unusual because it begins with a foreclosure rather than ending with one. And it is the...
DiResta: I suspect that SCOTUS will, in fact, find the structure unconstitutional on the basis of the separation of powers. But I...
Deutsche Bank, OCWEN, and Altisource in Court Again for Discrimination and Predatory Lending
This motion revolves around the Magna Carta and the Constitution, which has been brutally slighted by Judge Patrick E. Higginbotham and the...