Lehman's acts ratify the targeting of Blogger Inc. by California's corrupt Judiciary who were complicit in all acts described on LIT.
Lehman's acts ratify the targeting of Blogger Inc. by California's corrupt Judiciary who were complicit in all acts described on LIT.
Lehman's acts ratify the targeting of Blogger Inc. by California's corrupt Judiciary who were complicit in all acts described on LIT.
Felon Lehman is a pawn, with government power recklessly inciting illegal acts by violent legal agents at the expense of justice.
Procedural hurdles that are unnecessary to the fair adjudication of default judgments should not stand in the way of due process rights.
Choudri claims violation of superseded judgment.
The order imposes a suspended judgment against CFLA and Lehman for redress of $3 million and imposes a civil money penalty of...
Targeted for Truth: LIT Faces Increased Legal Challenges as Government 'Wing Men' Ramp Up Lawsuits with Judicial Enforcers Ready to Support.
Local Rule 3.3.3 has not been adopted by rogue judge(s) and as such, they are acting beyond their judicial capacities by policymaking.
Texas Lawyer "Andy Taylor is a real clown and I will forever recuse myself from ALL cases that he files...He's a disgrace...
Asst County Attorney Haley New's LinkedIn Connection Raises Eyebrows as Harris County Attorney's Office Blocks Open Records Request.
And we know the relationship that Judge Al 'Bent' Bennett shares with Harris County District Court and Choudri's former staffer, now a...