Brad Jones is the owner of Exquisite and his legal history is far removed from what the petition filed by Gannon leads...
After Judge Ewing Werlein, Jr dismissed the prior case without prejudice and the non-disclosure of the presence of Delarue, Mass returns.
Judge shopping Shelley Hopkins represents Nationstar, aka Mr Cooper and John Gannon Helstowski represents Reagant Lonestar Group LLC.
"I’m a long time victim of the same foreclosure mill, surviving 15 foreclosures to date, always involved in some kind of their...
Here, we have two Bandit Law Firms and their counsel, turncoat Jason LeBoeuf and Gannon the misfirin' Cannon both appearing for the...
Note to readers: This is a LIT judicial data collecting article and as such the data and information collected may change frequently.
Bandit lawyer John Helstowski is back with his long term clients, Richard Schluter and Traci Schluter to stop foreclosure, removed to SDTX.
LIT takes a very close look at why Cenlar FSB are still hiring BDF Hopkins as counsel in foreclosure matters in Texas.
The first noticeable fact is that PHH Mortgage Corporation cases have a set list of foreclosure mill counsel with no room for...
It's a double whammy for the Saulney's as they are currently facing a foreclosure sale by their HOA as well, based on...
J. Gannon Helstowski Law Firm of, TexasCreditLaw.Com, is Not Registered with Texas OCCC.
Voluntary dismissal without prejudice. Gannon the Cannon is no longer gonna bleed homeowners' dry while LIT's on his rear-end.
New case from Gannon the Cannon, as the first Tuesday of every month foreclosure auctions occur. Bookmark for updates.
James E Turner, deceased is a former Houston Realtor with 3 prior properties showing on HCAD. LIT investigates this rushed sale by...
Answer; Where they were livin' Post Foreclosure Judgment, namely at 5213 Lake Crest Dr, Mc Kinney, TX, 75071.
His Dad may have been a Judge, but this Texas Lawyer and Firm is not licensed in the State with the OCCC...
For sure, LIT ain't seen John Gannon Helstowski of J Gannon Helstowski Law Firm win a wrongful foreclosure case in federal court.
It's Gannon the Cannon firing against the known foreclosure mill and sanctioned lawyer, Crystal Gee Gibson (nee Roach) of BDF Law Group.