The Debtor formerly owned the office building located at 2425 West Loop South, Houston, Debtor and Jetall are under control of Ali...
Choudri claims violation of superseded judgment.
This is the fourth meritless action in this district initiated by Ali Choudri to thwart foreclosure aided by lawyers Delarue and Pope.
There is no mention of the 2019 stop foreclosure litigation, despite the parties and counsel being exactly the same.
Choudri and his new counsel maintains National Bank of Kuwait has breached a settlement agreement in this latest case filed in April...
Texas Lawyer "Andy Taylor is a real clown and I will forever recuse myself from ALL cases that he files...He's a disgrace...
Harris County District Court Judge Grants Ali Choudri's lawyer, James Pope to post $500 bond on commercial property worth around $30M.