This is a 1181 square foot, single family home is located at 129 W Austin Ave, Pasadena, TX 77502. It's an auto...
J. Gannon Helstowski Law Firm is located in Dallas. 2105 Crescent Coral Dr, League City, TX 77573 is Slated for Foreclosure Auction.
J. Gannon Helstowski Law Firm is located in Dallas. 327 American Black Bear Dr, Crosby, TX 77532 is Slated for Foreclosure Auction.
Based on Noack Law Firms' website, there's evidence of non-attorneys working at the firm and revenue is likely mainly from debt collecting.
In real estate law, results are all that matter. That’s why, at The Weaver Law Firm, our eyes are always on the...
Harris County District Court's Restricted Access to Dockets has been implemented without applying the law in violation of open court dockets.
Is this a title deed fraud case? Houston Lawyer Valerie Jewett certainly thinks its a conspiracy to steal a homestead from the...
This result, after dining with the law firm of Ahmad, Zavitsanos & Mensin the day before issuing her $2m attorney fees award...
The first noticeable fact is that PHH Mortgage Corporation cases have a set list of foreclosure mill counsel with no room for...
Jay Rudman: The Court finds that Rudman committed fraud while president of KSPR. In re Chappell (Bankr. S.D. Tex. 2010), Judge Marvin...
There's no reason nor excuse to restricting the whole foreclosure petition. Any sensitive information should be redacted before submission.
A federal appeals court issued a remarkable decision last week finding that Texas judges are exempt from federal subpoenas via immunity.
As Houston lawyer Goodrum Steps In for Hall, he asks who brokered Vilt's dismissal of the lawsuit? It certainly wasn't Hall, it...
Christian Consultants of Texas is owned by Kevin Pawlowski, an insurance broker. This latest lawsuit is related to another case on LIT.
It's a double whammy for the Saulney's as they are currently facing a foreclosure sale by their HOA as well, based on...
Authorized to collect debts in TX, both the Plaintiff and Counsel have active Surety Bonds filed with the Secretary for the State...
Lawyer Ray Shackelford has a HAR realtor called Isaac Flores lined up as a buyer, who owns a Texas Corp. called IMA...
Attorney Daniel Shea files into Harris County District Court to stop the Nov 2022 foreclosure auction, alleging fraud n wrongful foreclosure.