Judge Friedrich made headlines for dating Kavanaugh. It just goes to show your appellate peers can see you've made another wrong choice.
Chief Judge Lawrence Marks is opposing landlords eviction request and meantime Chief Judge Janet DiFiore is expediting wrongful foreclosures.
Pacific Legal's CEO is revealed by LIT as being a traitor to the American people under the guise of a falsely branded...
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued a moratorium on evictions but after aggressive lobbying by the real estate industry, its ending.
Billionaire Koch, Wall St and the U.S. Government Want Your Residential Homes. Citizens, Don't Let Them Take Your Homes for Pure Greed.
On April 19, 2021, the Second Court of Appeals signed an "Abatement Order" requesting the trial court to clarify whether it intended its...
McGlinchey Stafford request that Mr. Troiano be removed from the Courts E-File system and no longer receive electronic notice of any filings.
At the time its July 11, 2008 closure, IndyMac had assets of about $32 billion, making its failure the fifth largest bank...
Greenberg, a former State Bar Association president, is counsel to the state’s Commission on Judicial Nomination, which screens Court of Appeals finalists....
Texas lawyer Juan Angel Guerra is no stranger to the law, both sides of it. However, his days as a foreclosure defense...
Motion to Recuse in Texas Courts: Remember, as Justice Frankfurter indicated, litigants are not helpless before usurping courts.
Locke Lord: Wendy Garcia filed this lawsuit in a baseless attempt to delay the foreclosure sale of real property located in Houston,...
On February 20, 2020, PHH / Ocwen / Altisource were canned by NRZ and Bill Erbey is Upset to Put it Mildly,...
Extract from Form 10-K (2020) Ocwen accounts for 54% of Altisource Revenues....Altisource believes that any action taken by Ocwen to redirect these...
We earn the majority of our revenue in connection with providing services to two customers. The majority of our revenue is earned...
Magistrate Judge Bryan RECOMMENDS the Motion be DENIED with respect to PHH’s and USBNA’s request for declaratory judgment that the pre-2019 notices...
Ultimately, the people - the homeowners - over 10 million - would be sacrificed and not a single Wall St. Banker went...
The Insiders, a 1999 Movie Claimed Big Tobacco Never Loses in Court despite Killing Millions of Smokers. It's Now 2021 and the...