1243 Melford Dr, Houston, TX 77077
Bandit Texas Lawyer Robert C. Vilt was sanctioned the amount he tried to steal. That's a small price to pay to stay...
Lodge 39 of Harris County Deputies Organization: Attorney Dave Batton is recruited as Waldrop's new Defense Counsel.
First Bank has seized the aircraft but hasn’t received related parts, logs, keys, access codes, and other documents, as required under TRO.
Vu Truong boasts 2 decades of real estate investment success in the local marketplace. Then he must know Vilt. We'll leave it...
Taking issue with the amount due to clear past arrears and the fact the Bank is proceeding with a foreclosure sale.
Property at Risk - 9406 Rentur Dr, Houston, TX 77031 (Rent est. $2,134 pm). Bookmark for updates on this home slated for...
A quick review shows Jackson was President of now defunct Sivco, Inc. Apparently, there was a personal guarantee of $1.6M for loans...
As Houston lawyer Goodrum Steps In for Hall, he asks who brokered Vilt's dismissal of the lawsuit? It certainly wasn't Hall, it...
Mark responds to Erick with comments in red. If Erick wants to have a conversation, he can add his responses in the...
This lawsuit confirms the absolute disarray of the foreclosure vertical post 2008. Twelve past attempts to foreclosure on this homeowner.
This time it's foreclosure defense lawyer Clay Vilt who's filing suit. The question is, who's he actually representing in this lawsuit?
The HOA sued for just over $800 in outstanding dues and received an order of foreclosure in Harris County District Court on...
It's pass the parcel between Bandit foreclosure defense lawyers, aka ten dollar title deed scammers, as Texas Attorney George Oggero appears.
Lawyer Ray Shackelford has a HAR realtor called Isaac Flores lined up as a buyer, who owns a Texas Corp. called IMA...
Attorney Daniel Shea files into Harris County District Court to stop the Nov 2022 foreclosure auction, alleging fraud n wrongful foreclosure.
Bookmark to see if and when Pro Se's petition is released onto the docket at Harris County District Court.
LIT tracked Houston Lawyer JL Sadick before re his Pandemic Fraud. Gericare is Back in State Court with a Judgment, but is...