The Role of Civility in Appellate Advocacy; The Honorable Rhesa Barksdale, an appellate judge, Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.
A lower court Bankruptcy Judge, a known foreclosure debt collecting law firm and 3 of their foreclosure lawyers arrive at the Court...
Hometown Judges Carl Stewart and Edith Clement support corrupt and failed Louisiana Bank a reversal in an opinion with a dissent from...
The decision to move the cases back to Collin County is a huge win for Texas AG Ken Paxton, who has lived...
Have the Treasury and FHFA Perpetrated a Fraud on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in Collins v. Mnuchin, now before the...
The Clerk has denied the Burkes’ first request for an extension of time in this case. The decision is unfair, based on...
Prosecutors paint Ken Paxton as a hypocrite for challenging their $300 rate as excessive while paying a rookie lawyer the same in...
Shawn Jaffer is a Fair Debt Collections Attorney and Texas Debt Collections Act Attorney(TDCA) in Dallas, Texas. He sues Debt Collectors.
It's safe to say that the per curiam order was authored by Judge Wiener as the citations are opinions from his past...
Married to a judge, Bishop was a behind-the-scenes power in deciding who would get on the bench and stay there; in return...
Appellants, Joanna Burke and John Burke (“Burkes”), now file a Motion to Strike Appellee’s Hopkins Law, PLLC, Mark Hopkins and Shelley Hopkins...
A homeowner sued to prevent foreclosure on his home, arguing that the relevant statute of limitations had expired under Texas law. The...
In 1992, a Fifth Circuit judge called out Senior United States District Court Judge David Hittners sentencing as vindictive and unconstitutional. Move...
Our blog at LIT has grown so fast, it started creaking under the strain. So we've been busy moving our website and...
The court dismissed the complaint for lack of subject matter jurisdiction, concluding Danos’s claims were barred by sovereign immunity.
Magistrate Judge Harjani did not take into account the Hot Potato Doctrine which does not protect the Goodwin Procter lawyers violations.
A Theoretical dismissal is Not Justice. Unlike the Burkes, not a shred of evidence was presented by Hopkins to support his claims.