Carrie McEachern Gore has been a resident of North Carolina for the last 2 years. Texas home at risk: 27314 Farmcreek Dr...
The Debtor formerly owned the office building located at 2425 West Loop South, Houston, Debtor and Jetall are under control of Ali...
Our legal blog uncovers foreclosure defense lawyer’s attempt to stop home sale by omitting key facts with agreement of homeowner: It worked.
Brad Jones is the owner of Exquisite and his legal history is far removed from what the petition filed by Gannon leads...
Fraudster Romie Ogbolu represented by James Minerve is Granted TRO with a Cash Bond of $500 by Ancillary Judge Michael Gomez.
Darvishi avers in the petition that in order to obtain a TRO, a cash bond is not necessary. The hearing has been...
The Order is overbroad because it enjoins Defendants from foreclosing for 64 days and violates Rule 680 of the Texas Rules of...
As the US Gov and State of Texas continue to double-down on the protection of an illegal housing theft scheme, CCTX's Pawlowski...
As the US Gov and State of Texas continue to double-down on the protection of an illegal housing theft scheme, CCTX's Casias...
Associated Energy Group (AEG) Fifth Attempt at Obtaining Injunctive Relief is Denied in Federal Court
A Watershed Moment: Harris County Flood Control District Facing Foreclosure for Delinquent HOA Fees
Bandit Lawyer Hagger Abandons Client as Judge Hanen Issues Particularly Unpersuasive Opinion
Judge Pulliam Remands Foreclosure Case: In Texas, a Substitute Trustee May be Individually Liable
Homeowner and Texas Lawyer Tom Bayko Sues Zions and Mortgage Servicer Cenlar to Halt Foreclosure
Banditville Jennifer’s a Firecracker n’ Belinda’s on X: The Unauthorized Practice of Law in Texas