Stock Ticker Symbol HCA has become one of the most profitable on the stock exchange. A for-profit Hospital network spread nationwide.
Bill Introduced to establish and implement security procedures to reduce the likelihood of infant patient abduction and baby switching.
We're havin' a hard time defining real name of Vilt's clients. They've used Xianchao Li for homes and Xian Chao Li for...
The petition claims the home at risk is currently for sale, but per LIT's investigation, it's not currently active with any realtor.
Matthew Connolly led DB's NY trading desk, was convicted of wire fraud, conspiracy and sentenced to home confinement and a $100,000 fine.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good people to do nothing. So don't be inactive. - Alexey...
When you reach 'discovery', Requests for Admissions (RFA's) are an essential tool in both state and federal court to prove your case.
Included in the lawsuit is Hearst Newspapers, as Houston Chronicle jointly authored the articles which Dr. Bud Frazier claims defamed him.
Whilst Attorney Immunity is Overbroad, judicial proceedings immunity provides the same level of protection to non-prisoners before the court.
Harris County District Court's Restricted Access to Dockets has been implemented without applying the law in violation of open court dockets.
It's one of these cases where you don't see a shred of evidence filed and a story told that doesn't add up,...
Is this a title deed fraud case? Houston Lawyer Valerie Jewett certainly thinks its a conspiracy to steal a homestead from the...
Select Portfolio Servicing Inc. (SPS) has struck a deal to acquire certain assets of Texas-based Rushmore Loan Management Services LLC.
This result, after dining with the law firm of Ahmad, Zavitsanos & Mensin the day before issuing her $2m attorney fees award...
LIT takes a very close look at why that German Bank and Straw Man Deutsche Bank is still allowed to con American...
IberiaBank holds a judgment of $331k against the defendants who recently requested protection from Fidelity Investment discovery - denied.
The PHH petition should be stricken for failure to separate the exhibits, filed in Harris County District Court, Judge Dawn Rogers presiding.
The new JPN Holdings lawsuit tells a story about HOA's unlawful fines and harassment, but without a shred of evidence filed as...