As alleged, Mr. Ray Jackson used his law degree not in the furtherance of justice, but to line his own pockets, a...
Michael and Jennifer Wattles are suing the lender Wells Fargo and Wachovia for not settling sums due on refinance to list of...
Val Broeksmit – a longtime source about Deutsche Bank – is missing. He's the son of a Deutsche Banker found hanging from a...
LIT didn't know you would need to winterize a property in the month of May and put a sign up sayin' "Don't...
As for MERS being both a “nominee” and a “mortgagee”, the idea that a principal can be its own agent does not...
LIT pays tribute and remembrance to trucker DANE RUTTER, who needlessly lost his life due to a selfish act of an off-duty cop...
Loan Officer Joseph Terranova was the seventh and final former top Wilmington Trust official sentenced to prison in recent weeks.
CFPB Sues Ocwen (but losing badly) Mortgage Servicer’s Widespread Errors, Shortcuts, and Runarounds Cost Borrowers Money, Homes.
The Justice Department sues pardoned Roger Stone and his wife, Nydia, of owing nearly $2 million in unpaid federal income taxes and...
The initial communication and validation notice was issued in the foreclosure complaint drafted by the law firm and self-proclaimed debt collector representing...
We look at Judge Lynn Hughes of S.D. Texas who has been protected by the Fifth Circuit despite decades of abuse towards...
The DOJ indict Carlos E. Kepke, a Houston tax attorney who conspired with Billionaire Robert Smith to hide $225 million in untaxed...
Texas lawyer Bern Mortberg has been on the losing side of 10 foreclosure suits circa 2011. This time he lost due to...
Halliburton is a 73-year-old woman who is being subjected to Ocwen's known mortgage servicing abuses and attempts to fraudulently foreclose.
Texas lawyer Juan Angel Guerra is no stranger to the law, both sides of it. However, his days as a foreclosure defense...
For over seven years, Ocwen and PHH Mortgage Corporation, as mortgage servicers and debt collectors, have engaged in willful, malicious, harassing, deceptive...
Motion to Recuse in Texas Courts: Remember, as Justice Frankfurter indicated, litigants are not helpless before usurping courts.
While superintendent of Houston Gateway Academy Richard Garza awarded a contract to a company who would kickback most of the funds.