Deutsche Bank National Trust Company was an unsecured creditor when the banks failed in 2008. Now it's a fraudulent vehicle for the...
The Court finds that it should award Plaintiffs $1,000.00 in statutory damages, $9,000 in punitive damages, attorney fees and expenses.
Will the members of this group advocate for pro se access to electronic filing rights, sealed documents and also basic access to...
Pagano steals an expensive iphone from a courthouse. Paxton steals an expensive pen from a courthouse. The difference is what happened next.
Officers of the Court are supposed to be held to a higher standard. In Texas that standard is called corruption: Lie, cheat...
LIT believes that the State Bar of Texas knows very well the full circumstances surrounding Jeffrey Gipson. Texas Bar is totally corrupt.
Engagement of Attorneys allowed Plaintiffs to submit a feasible plan, disburse a total of $105, 877.52 to creditors and receive a discharge.
Texas Property Code] § 51.007(f) imposes a substantive pleading requirement on a plaintiff seeking to recover against a substitute trustee.
LIT is not aware as to why Dana Dill would sue. Certainly, the testimony of Dill disposes of the question of damages,...
In U.S. Bank v Morris, the Judge's Report details at least 5 times when the Bank non-suited the foreclosure civil action, violating...
If an amicus brief turns out to be unhelpful, the merits panel, after studying the case, will then simply disregard the amicus...
Meet Tanyel Harrison-Bennett, Labor, Employment, and Litigation Counsel at BP and wife of US District Judge Alfred H. Bennett, SDTX, Houston.
Mr. Cooper violated Massachusetts Law by engaging in deceptive debt collection practices on a debt previously discharged in bankruptcy.
LIT has said this repeatedly. Judicial Immunity has been abused for decades and it is time to reel in these Outlaws in...
Code of Conduct for Law Clerks are legally authoritative and binding on law clerks even after they leave judges’ employment.
Open Courts: "The legitimacy and integrity of a court’s action depend on the public’s ability to scrutinize the basis for that action."
The Fifth Circuit Should Have Dismissed for Lack of Appellate Jurisdiction as Rushmore is not a Party to the Lawsuit in the...
Note: The Terror Mansion is not subject to foreclosure as it's protected by werewolves and a severed head display to scare away...