Appellate Circuit

That German Bank and the Skulduggery of Deutsche Bank National Trust Company

Deutsche Bank National Trust Company was an unsecured creditor when the banks failed in 2008. Now it’s a fraudulent vehicle for the judiciary

Deutsche Bank National Trust Company Does NOT Legally Exist as Trustee for Borrower Loans

MAR 10, 2020 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: OCT 13, 2021

Several readers have sent me information regarding DBNTC and pointed out that I had misstated the status of DBNTC in past articles. I think they were at least partially right. Thanks to all the readers who sent in comments and information.

DBNTC is a name change from Banker’s Trust which was a real bank, organized and existing under national charter. So DBNTC exists under a national charter. But DBNTC is not a bank in the sense that it makes loans or collects deposits from customers. It is a trust management company. So bottom line, DBNTC does exist as a legal entity.

The conflict arises when the DBNTC name is used in conjunction with a REMIC Trust. This might appear as

“DBNTC as Trustee for the XYZ Trust” or
“DBNTC as Trustee on behalf of the holders of certificate series ABC-2008A” or
“DBNTC as Trustee for certificate series ABC-2008A” or
“DBNTC” as Trustee for the certificate holders of XYZ Trust series ABC-2008A”

Despite the variation in names it all adds up to the same thing.

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That German Bank and the Skulduggery of Deutsche Bank National Trust Company
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