Judiciary leaders are expressing deep concern that Congress has failed to provide funding to protect federal judges. LIT says don't fund 'em.
Failure to effect proper service of process within 90-day period per FRCP 4(m), Court must dismiss the action without prejudice.
Judge Priscilla R. Owen shunts the blame onto 66 year old Circuit Executive Theodore "Ted" Cominos for the ClerkGate Corruption Scandal.
Fifth Cir. hold that a reasonable man would reasonably question this trial judge’s impartiality and the integrity of the judicial system.
A communication divulged to “strangers” or outsiders can scarcely be considered a confidential communication between attorney and client.
The U.S. magistrate appointed to the bench in the Eastern District of Texas in 2004 found the Episcopal Church in his 20s...
I do not agree that the Reinagels’ forgery argument is a red herring. - Judge James Graves Jr., Fifth Circuit, Reinagel v...
As the Scher family face foreclosure, could Isaac Nesser, the Quinn Emanuel partner who prevailed in 100 toxic loan cases, aid his...
The FDCPA was not made for the protection of experts, but for the public. These acts were harassing attempts to collect a...
Judge Nelson puts PRMI on the hook for just over $22 million altogether, with 75% of that sum being awarded to law...
Remember their names; Senators Bob Menendez and Cory Booker, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, Feinstein, Graham and Kennedy
LIT has been frustrated by this unlawful exception, where Federal lower courts deny pro se ecf filing requests. Appellate Courts allow it.
LIT Takes a Look at How Foreclosure Mill BDF in Texas Has Tightened the Noose on Homeowners' Thanks to a Dishonorable Judiciary...
The CFPB amendments provide that a mortgage servicer can offer a streamline modification to borrowers with COVID-19-related hardship based on an incomplete...
Residential Capital filed lawsuits against 12 lenders that originated poor quality loans that ResCap purchased and securitized, including PRMI.
The profound events of 2007 and 2008 known as the financial crisis or the great recession and blame is documented in the...
Billionaire Koch, Wall St and the U.S. Government Want Your Residential Homes. Citizens, Don't Let Them Take Your Homes for Pure Greed.
Victims of wrongful foreclosures find justice absent as the banks perpetuating the crimes against them remain too big to be held accountable.