The City argued that the remedial provision in section 174.252 of the Texas Local Govt Code is unconstitutional. That flame was extinguished.
Because the sentencing judge seems immovable from his views of the sentence he imposed, and because the judge displayed bias against the...
Feds Spying Tricks. A vehicle forensics kit can reveal where you’ve driven, what doors you opened and who your friends are.
The courts are closed in Texas if you are a citizen who is looking for unsealed documents not uploaded to PACER in...
What’s interesting here is Stanley Price complained about lower court Judge Vance, who was succeeded, albeit temporarily, by Judge Engelhardt who sat...
Greenberg, a former State Bar Association president, is counsel to the state’s Commission on Judicial Nomination, which screens Court of Appeals finalists....
RFC reached settlements totaling approximately $9 billion, with the RMBS Trusts and several of the Monoline Insurers re packaged Toxic Loans.
Fifth Circuit Dallas directs the trial court to enter an order granting relators motion to designate Ken Paxton as a responsible third...
Failure to follow rule 76a jeopardizes the concepts of open courts and public access, wastes valuable judicial resources, and lets parties hide...
The public has a general right to inspect judicial records and documents. Those wishing to seal judicial records must overcome that obstacle.
Mr. Cooper announced that due to a payment processing issue, unauthorized mortgage payments were taken from 14,000 plus borrowers’ accounts.
This complete Cause of Action codes table is issued by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts.
Ocwen PHH purchase the mortgage servicing rights of one of the largest warehouse lenders in the nation, Texas Capital Bank.
Pro se’s are being held to a higher standard than the laws and rules require and/or not being applied in a consistent...
What you can truly classify as an aged debtor, foreclosure mills and their client(s) including Deutsche Bank have no humanity.
Ocwen changed the locks on this homeowner in a time of disaster in Houston (Hurricane Harvey) and also there's the big issue...
PHH et al have not provided Jackson any written notice of default and opportunity to cure notice, nor informed the Jackson's of...