In this Deutsche Bank case, the Petitioners are homeowners represented by legal counsel from Houston, Texas. They filed a Petition of Writ...
Shortly after the award, the defendant’s counsel filed an emergency motion for sanctions against the plaintiff under Rule 11 of the Federal...
On Tuesday, the US Supreme Court ignored all Citizens and Tax Payers Petitions and Decided to Hear this One Case, from the...
While Congressional investigators wait for Deutsche Bank to turn over the president's financial records, we examine how the German financial institution came...
Texas Pastor Keahey and his wife, who once taught elementary school, were going through financial difficulties prior to their deaths. The home...
The FBI and DOJ Press Release Indicting 4 People with Mortgage Fraud. The Bankers All Escaped any Internment post 2008 and indeed...
General, conclusory testimony devoid of any real substance will not support a fee award,” said the April 26 opinion in Rohrmoos Venture...
Unbeknownst to Law Funder, Munoz had a close professional relationship with Judge Jesus Contreras, who was presiding over the Garcia divorce: Munoz...
First and most importantly, your letter fails to recognize that Texas is not a subdivision of the federal government or a private...
It is often said that ignorance of the law is no defense. Perhaps not. But if ignorance of the law can’t be...
Texas courts did not grant one homeowner the right to the American dream- they found for the bank every single time.Counter to...
The Fifth Circuit declined to broaden the exceptions to the Texas rule of attorney immunity with respect to liability to non-clients in...
ORAL ARGUMENT HEARD before Judges Haynes, Clement, Judge Duncan and Judge Oldham in Texas Capital Bank v Zeidman on 05/01/2019
Former board chairman Rehan Alimohammad said that Sorrels should further explain why he appointed his wife, because some attorneys have claimed the...
Section 1024.41 of the Code of Federal Regulations describes the procedures that mortgage servicers must follow when processing loss mitigation applications. Does...
This lender plans to underwrite $1B in mortgages with no income, no asset verification. Resi investors can borrow from an Austin-based lender...
Harrington stated in his misconduct complaint that it doesn’t concern the merits of the dissent, but rather the partisan tone and insults...
ORAL ARGUMENT HEARD before Judges King, Smith, Willett. Arguing Person Information Updated for: John F. Carroll arguing for Appellants Sergio Munoz, Et...