While in that position, Jerry E. Smith made several controversial statements, such as characterizing the League of Women Voters as the plague...
Dirty Lawyer Stefan Simon is still embroiled in a Milan lawsuit over allegations of falsifying the accounts of troubled Italian lender Monte...
Mr and Mrs Fifth Circuit. Carolyn Dineen King, former Chief Judge, married fellow Circuit Judge Tom Reavley in 2004 and made some...
It is neither clear nor obvious that these objections prevented the Lenders from unilaterally abandoning the acceleration under Texas law. The judgment...
A featured case, Judge Ho sat on Deutsche Bank National Trust Co., where the panel affirmed for the German-Owned Bank, who had...
Judges whom we think of as textualists construct their sense of objective meaning from what the evidence that they are willing to...
David S. Morales has been confirmed as the newest federal judge for the U.S. District Court in the Southern District of Texas....
Texas lawyer T. Wesley Holmes, 55, of Dallas, agreed to a 48-month active suspension effective May 15, 2019.He was ordered to pay $987,807...
According to State Commission on Judicial Conduct records, Megan Nicole Grigsby, Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 and associate municipal court judge...
Federal judge Jane Triche Milazzo threw out the prosecutors' claims of absolute immunity, noting that it never was intended to bless systematic...
Revenue per lawyer hit $800,000 in 2018, up 5.4 percent from 2017, while PEP surpassed the $1 million mark, coming in at...
The bank became the nation’s largest home lender by selling homes, such as Larry’s property, to itself for far below fair market...
Putting Steve 'Foreclosure King' Mnuchin and Joseph Otting in these positions is risking the livelihood of everyday Americans - and as far...
The courts have widely recognized that the correct procedure for a nonparty to challenge a protective order is through intervention for that...
Here, the Firm’s attorney-client privilege arguments do not meet its burden to rebut a Powell showing, in large part because the Firm...
The settlement against Ocwen is a win for the Attorneys and Ocwen. No Texas Court is providing relief to homeowners.
Fifth Circuit Judge Wiener failed to disclose all his financial interests in his Financial Disclosure Report, claims it was an inadvertent oversight...
Apart from defending Bankers and MERS, Mrs. Ho is a member of the Federal Judicial Evaluation Committee, appointed by U.S. Senators John...