Leon Cooperman founded Omega in 1991 after 25 years at Goldman Sachs. As of Oct. 31, 2018, the firm had $3.3 billion...
Leon Lee Cooperman of Omega Advisors: You know, it is very frustrating in terms of the amount of money you've spent on...
Senate Democrats fiercely opposed Mnuchin's and Otting’s nominations to the Trump administration, dubbing Mnuchin the “Foreclosure King.” Both defended their track record...
Two weeks after federal agents raided the manufacturer’s offices, the company’s CEO announced he was bringing on Barr to take a fresh...
Elder Fraud Mr President is at Your Door and You Appointed the Fraudsters into the US Cabinet's highest positions. After all, it...
Fifth Circuit Judge Kyle Duncan is a member of the Federalist Society (a conservative law and policy group whose membership has yielded...
Gregg Costa: For a lawyer and Judge that was probably the closest to the mortgage fraud by all the lenders post Great...
At age 39, Mr. Oldham is one of the youngest people ever nominated for a federal circuit court judgeship. But despite being...
Willett: The crass bottom line is that you spend 99 percent of your time raising a colossal fortune that you then use...
Judge Engelhardt concluded Assuming the truth of these allegations, the Court finds that, under existing case law, these alleged instances and any...
As we agree with the district court that the false statements had the capacity to influence a savings and loan institution's decision...
Putting Steve 'Foreclosure King' Mnuchin and Joseph Otting in these positions is risking the livelihood of everyday Americans - and as far...
The courts have widely recognized that the correct procedure for a nonparty to challenge a protective order is through intervention for that...
These were all cases where the foreclosure was sought by a bank that was not the original lender. In the vast majority...
Foreclosure King and Real Estate Investor, and current US Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin wants the Secret Service under the Treasury Departments control.
THE US SUPREME COURT HAS FAILED THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. It is Totally Unacceptable, yet the People of America are Not Saying Enough,...
On March 12, 2019 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit heard oral argument in All American Check Cashing’s interlocutory...
Seven years ago the U.S. Supreme Court decided to dismiss as improvidently granted its agreement to hear the following RESPA case. Since...