The US Supreme Court leads the way in Protecting Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, the admonished German Bank who have been given...
The infamous No Free Houses Judge Patrick Higginbotham elects to hide his emotions in the 3-panel unpublished opinion - but on the...
Remember, not a single loss at all in 13 plus years in Banks v. Homeowners. Quite remarkable considering the billions of fines...
The unpublished panel opinion contradicts not only long-settled Texas law, but also several published decisions of the Fifth Circuit.
A party who files timely written objections to a magistrate judge’s report and recommendation is entitled to a de novo review of...
The 5th Circuit is indeed trying to ignore the controlling precedent in Texas regarding the deed of trust as nothing more than...
Ocwen's staged failed settlement related to the lawsuit filed by the CFPB in 2017 against the $3 billion dollar admonished mortgage servicer.
Texas Lawyer Constance 'Connie' Pfeiffer's departure date from Beck Redden, where she was a partner for just shy of 16 years is...
2021 Most Wanted FL and GA. The Stamp Collection: "Outlaws in Robes." A LIT Series about Federal District Court Judges and Appellate...
2021 Most Wanted in Texas. The Stamp Collection: "Outlaws in Robes." A LIT Series about Federal District Court Judges and Appellate Circuit...
A unanimous panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that the CID issued to Seila Law was...
Chase and several amici suggested for the first time that the panel’s reading of Pinti and other SJC precedents would invalidate most...
On May 28, 2013, Hathaway appeared before Judge O'Meara in Ann Arbor and was sentenced to 366 days in federal prison.
2021 Most Wanted. The Stamp Collection: "Outlaws in Robes." A LIT Series about Federal District Court Judges and Appellate Circuit Judges.
Foreclosure Laws Texas: An essential guide for those homeowners who are having trouble making mortgage payments and need resources and help.
Haller, Foreclosure Defense Lawyer, Indiana: I do not think the average person understands how severe the housing crisis is in Indianapolis.
Approximately 95 percent of homeowners facing foreclosure do not have legal representation when they go to court to try to keep their...
Laura A. Stoll is a partner in Goodwin Procter LLP's Financial Industry and Consumer Financial Services Litigation practices, Los Angeles Office.