Texas Lawyer Constance 'Connie' Pfeiffer's departure date from Beck Redden, where she was a partner for just shy of 16 years is...
2021 Most Wanted FL and GA. The Stamp Collection: "Outlaws in Robes." A LIT Series about Federal District Court Judges and Appellate...
2021 Most Wanted in Texas. The Stamp Collection: "Outlaws in Robes." A LIT Series about Federal District Court Judges and Appellate Circuit...
2021 Most Wanted. The Stamp Collection: "Outlaws in Robes." A LIT Series about Federal District Court Judges and Appellate Circuit Judges.
Foreclosure Laws Texas: An essential guide for those homeowners who are having trouble making mortgage payments and need resources and help.
Laura A. Stoll is a partner in Goodwin Procter LLP's Financial Industry and Consumer Financial Services Litigation practices, Los Angeles Office.
The Toyota Automakers ask the Court to substitute a fundamentally different question. The Automakers question and their arguments have no place here.
The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that federal courts possess the inherent power to vacate their own judgments upon proof that a...
In the Burkes reply brief to their lawsuit on appeal at the court of appeals for the Fifth Circuit, they show the...
Bill Erbey's online real estate portal, Hubzu, launches a new mobile app that will give residential real estate investors on-the-go access.
Texas Foreclosure Manual, Includes 2019 Supplement. This essential resource, written for the general practitioner and real estate expert in mind, provides over...
Foreclosure Defense Attorney Nicole Moskowitz appears before the Florida Supreme Court to argue landmark foreclosure case against Deutsche Bank for legal fees.
Shawn Jaffer is a Fair Debt Collections Attorney and Texas Debt Collections Act Attorney(TDCA) in Dallas, Texas. He sues Debt Collectors.
Tune in to see if Judge Kimberly Fitzpatrick will sanction banks' attorney for fabricating evidence to support its motion for summary judgment....
Word of the security lapse quickly spread and applicants said that they were able to access their application files after logging out.
While Gov. Greg Abbott and state legislators have not moved to protect Texas homeowners struggling financially because of COVID-19, Harris County Judge...
By acting as both the Gilkes’ legal counsel in the foreclosure action and as counsel for RESG Inc., Payne engaged in a...