The financial system only works when everyone plays by the rules and when rules are broken, public servants need to fight for...
It is a cruel irony that those who have lost the most to the foreclosure crisis seem to be helped the least...
RFC points out 1.5 million loans caused less than $900 million in losses, while the 463,000 at-issue loans caused $42 billion in...
Seventy five percent of mortgage loans were originated with one or more breaches that substantially increased the credit risk associated with the...
BDF and Hopkins are one and the same, debt collectors. Opposing counsel worked in the foreclosure department as a lawyer at BDF...
Its America’s young people who will face higher national debt and a lower standard of living because US is now addicted to...
Both the lower court District Judge Sean Jordan of E.D. Tex. and the Fifth Circuit 3-panel blame the homeowner for the home...
Crystal Gibson of BDF requests the Court stay deadlines, docket call and bench trial pending a ruling on Cenlar’s Motion for Summary...
4th Circuit agree that class certification is appropriate and that Plaintiffs are entitled to summary judgment on their statutory claim.
HEALEY, CASTELLAW and SCHONES made false statements to the FHA in order to assist low-income borrowers in qualifying for FHA insured loans.
The FBI prioritizes financial institution fraud because it is not a victimless crime. The Wydlers broke that trust for greed by deception.
Under the tutelage of the conservative Federalist Society, Republican presidents became better at picking reliably conservative justices.
The significant and distressing difference is the Burkes battle is not just with the opposing parties, but with the judicial machinery itself.
What is a motion for judgment on the pleadings and why are they disfavored by federal court judges? Answer: Because most are...
The disease of corruption and the criminality that greed produces has become the basis of our nation’s governance and its financial systems.
Using the date of filing of the Foreclosure Action, or the date that service was made on Plaintiff, Plaintiff's FDCPA claims are...
Chief Judge Lee Rosenthal denied label of 'Vexatious Litigant' with at least 9 foreclosure filings spanning 18 years, including 6 since 2017.
If you are facing foreclosure in Texas Federal Court, there's a lot of legalese to learn. But will you receive access to...