The Greatest Theft of Citizens Homes in American History: This case proves Lender Underwriting Fraud. Citizens Homes Are Still Being Stolen.
Pro se litigant Van Deelen's involvement became an irritant, an unwanted delay to the judge and lawyers thirst for financial greed.
US Bankruptcy Chief Judge David R Jones and long-term girlfriend and former law clerk, Houston lawyer Elizabeth Freeman's financial crimes.
Did the Plaintiffs' prove that the Law Offices of Thomas J. Burbank and Thomas J. Burbank are debt collectors?
Ocwen PHH's egregious act was to use HAMP to POSTPONE foreclosures and add big balloon payments, NOT to help homeowners keep their...
Trump's Goldman Sachs Cabinet appointments allowed the largest Wall Street players to remain as virulent and parasitic as they are now.
Judge Higginson wrote the opinion for the 3-panel comprising of Judges Graves and Douglas, leaving ethical questions open to investigation.
PHH sues former employee and whistleblower and lawyer who obtained a class action settlement against admonished and sanctioned Ocwen in Texas
In 2006, Underwood's home was sold for $17k at foreclosure auction. He's been litigating for a total of 19 years. Now he's...
We've got a real bunch of misfits in this foreclosure title fraud scam. Ray Shackelford, Charlene Daniels, Michelle Bassett, et al.
In US District Judge Joan Ericksen's Order denying disqualification of Magistrate Judge David Schultz, there is no mention of 3M Shares.
MN Appoints Judge Who Previously Represented PHH Mortgage. LIT reveals the Minnesota Judiciary's Scandalous Acts enabling Wall St Home Theft.
Plaintiff LG2 LLC is a Texas limited liability co. owned by Jordan Giles and Terry Giles, who are residents of Texas. The...
The 5th Cir. allows Texas Real Estate Scammer injunctive relief while LIT wonders why this fraudster is not contesting a long prison...
You will note in the FDIC litigation involving Indymac Bank, Victor Woodworth is listed as Senior Vice President.
You will note in the FDIC litigation involving Indymac Bank, Simon Heyrick is listed as Chief Credit Officer, Enterprise Risk Mgt Committee.
Appeals Court Verdict is Vacated in Part, No Doubt to Aid the Extended Time Before these Convicted Felons Actually Report to Prison.
Federal law, the RFPA, authorizes US gov to obtain 300 PHH Mortgage loan files without notifying or obtaining the consent of any...