Texas courts did not grant one homeowner the right to the American dream- they found for the bank every single time.Counter to...
Section 1024.41 of the Code of Federal Regulations describes the procedures that mortgage servicers must follow when processing loss mitigation applications. Does...
This lender plans to underwrite $1B in mortgages with no income, no asset verification. Resi investors can borrow from an Austin-based lender...
Ms. Vrablic, an intensely private person who rarely discussed personal matters with her colleagues, steered more than $300 million in loans to...
During the run-up of the housing bubble, banks acquired thousands of subprime mortgages and turned them into securities. They created trusts as...
The Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending is an agency of the State of Texas and is subject to the oversight and...
For the reasons stated above, the district court’s grant of summary judgment is AFFIRMED.
In a damage-limitations move, the government approved 'subprime sub-servicer' Ocwen has ditched Faris as CEO to limit the damages in any further...
Homeowner Crear sued his lender and its loan servicer to prevent them from foreclosing on his property. Motion denied in favor of...
Senior U.S. District Judge Harry Lee Hudspeth found two of DTND’s lawsuits to be frivolous and filed in bad faith for the...
First, it assumes that the acceleration notice was for only the original loan amount. But the deed of trust granted the Bank...
LOAN MODIFICATION: The Criswells therefore failed to accept that offer in strict compliance with its terms as well. Accordingly, neither agreement constituted...
No Retainer Agreements or Engagement Letters? No Fiduciary Relationship Between Bank Lawyers And Alleged Creditor? The Secret Veil that's been Pierced Confirms...
The opinion is a good news for lenders and bad news for homeowners as there is now some precedent that lenders cannot...
Tim Redding, we have a bunch of servicers that are organizations attempting to foreclose on behalf of trusts and I don't think...
Ocwen is propped up financially by New Residential Investment Corp. (NRI) which had swept in Phoenix-like in the wake of the April,...
It appears that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has a New Years Resolution in relation to review of foreclosure cases by...
The N.Y. Dept of Financial Services investigated and determined that Ocwen had back-dated certain letters to borrowers. Many of the letters concerned...