AEB employed fraudulent means to inflate the value of the Bishop Loan to a level not supported by the Plaintiff’s collateral or...
McGirt, a case in which the Court held that parts of eastern Oklahoma are an Indian reservation subject to exclusive federal jurisdiction.
As of late June 2021, Judge Alsup had significantly fewer cases on his docket (157 cases) than did Judge Albright (1053 cases).
Thus far, the pandemic has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, with a total death count of half a million predicted for...
A clerk of a federal court performing routine duties such as entering and order and notifying parties does not enjoy an absolute...
Judge Higginson (9) leads, followed closely by Judges Stewart (8) Southwick (7) Smith, King, Jolly and Costa (6) on foreclosure appeal panels
One cannot allow one federal court in the State of Texas to allow pro se to file electronically and another deny all...
The right-wing think tank received big money from Taiwan at the same time that it was churning out articles urging US military...
Where fraud is found, the party that used fraud should be deprived of the benefit of the judgment and any inequitable advantage...
The discovery protocols are biased in favor of the bank or non-bank and the gag order is in violation of the first...
Goldman Sachs is acquiring fintech lender GreenSky for $2.24 billion as the investment bank pushes further into consumer finance.
Justice Barrett is originally from Louisiana and while sitting on the Seventh Circuit was keen to cite to published 5th Cir. Precedent...
In this foreclosure appeal, the court sua sponte includes arguments of res judicata not brought up at the lower court and returns...
John Coleman joined the CFPB just after its inception and had his hand in almost every case the agency tried. Now he's...
LIT has witnessed a decade of foreclosures. The motto on the highest court's building - Equal Justice for All - has become...
ABOVE THE LAW: Private citizens who are brutalized by rogue federal officers (OF THE COURTS) can find little solace ... DUE TO...
Illinois: The “single-refiling rule,” which prohibits actions that have been voluntarily dismissed from being refiled more than once.
If you notice, all the arguments re acceleration are based on post 2008 financial crisis opinions by the corrupt Fifth Circuit judges.