The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is a Bankers Institution and to call itself a Consumer Watchdog Agency is literally fraud upon...
Tony Alexis left the Bureau in 2017 to work for opposing counsel but the CFPB kept him on their certificate of interested...
Justice John Roberts is fed up with Donald Trump’s disrespect for the rule of law. Now he’s standing up for the role...
ROSS; $160 million was a convertible preferred in Ocwen, which has worked out very well. It had a $35 strike price, and...
This complaint is against an attorney registered with the Florida State Bar. The lawyers’ name is Catalina Azuero and she works for...
This is a GOOD case example where the Florida Supreme Court issued an opinion in an underlying case and sent the case...
An attorney who fails to observe his obligation of undivided loyalty to his client injures his profession and demeans it in the...
If you represent yourself to the public as Dentons, then you will be held accountable as Dentons whether you have a Swiss...
Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan Hecht assigns case to Judge Peebles. He assigned a special prosecutor. It all tastes like fudge...
Sabrina Rose-Smith is a Member of Goodwin's Consumer Finance Litigation practice group, focusing on consumer lending and class action defense.
In 1996, the Supreme Judicial Court held in In the Matter of Fordham that fee agreements are not simply pure matters of...
An arbitrator has found the law firm Goodwin Procter overcharged a real estate client by more than $540,000, e.g. 55% overbill. Unprecedented...
Illinois Supreme Court held that Himmel, an attorney with no prior record of complaints, should be suspended for one year for failing...
Mathew Matoma graduated from Stanford Business School - presumably omitting his Harvard Law expulsion from his application - and wound up at...
Always go above and beyond for your clients, said former Chairman David Hashmall. That is the key to being a successful lawyer....
LIT Editor: Joe Biden should take the next step and provide a SCOTUS List of Supreme Court picks, so we have transparency...
The trustee also pointed to a payment of $800,000 made by Newfit to Goodwin Procter. The trustee seeks why and at whose...
Altisource provides property preservation services to Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC for the purpose of protecting its interest in a distressed property.