It appears the homeowners' attorney, an IP attorney, did not contest the $20k in attorney fees by Mark Cronenwett of Mackie Wolf...
Plaintiffs were unduly inconvenienced and harassed by PHH’s unlawful attempts to collect the discharged subject debt.
PHH MORTGAGE CORPORATION is the successor to Maverick Financial Corp. PHH a wholly owned subsidiary of Ocwen Financial Corp., Florida.
PHH said that it did not qualify as a debt collector and shouldn’t be subjected to the laws Culver was suing under....
Post-Discharge 12 Yrs Ago and After the First Lawsuit Settled, PHH and OCWEN Continue Making Harassing and Coercive Contacts with Plaintiff.
The FDCPA was not made for the protection of experts, but for the public. These acts were harassing attempts to collect a...
Judge Nelson puts PRMI on the hook for just over $22 million altogether, with 75% of that sum being awarded to law...
LIT compares foreclosure mill complaint filed in this foreclosure action against a recent filing in W.D. Tex. Atty fees wording is modified.
Remember their names; Senators Bob Menendez and Cory Booker, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, Feinstein, Graham and Kennedy
You have to ask the Question, Is this Judge On the Take? From our Research, this Judge rules for Attorney Fees on...
The Court clerk called the office of Plaintiff’s counsel asking counsel to file a Motion for Attorneys’ fees. Pursuant to this request,...
The court’s rulings on the motions filed by the Goodwin Law firm are an indictment of the Barrett firm’s complete failure to...
Judge: My signature is on it. I was misled. This is extraordinary for a court to withdraw its opinion because the facts...
LIT has been frustrated by this unlawful exception, where Federal lower courts deny pro se ecf filing requests. Appellate Courts allow it.
LIT Takes a Look at How Foreclosure Mill BDF in Texas Has Tightened the Noose on Homeowners' Thanks to a Dishonorable Judiciary...
The Debtors acknowledge the rights of all parties with respect to the 2007-08 Blended Tower. They reserve any and all rights they...
Judge David R. Jones issued a verbal ruling for the city to purchase all of the assets of Hidalgo County EMS for...
A former medical doctor was sentenced in Tennessee to three years in prison for unlawfully distributing controlled substances.