LIT does not condone threats of violence against judges, nor do we condone Judge David Hittner's coverup of threats by his Magistrate...
Texan Dilemma: Will the corrupt Texas Courts and Gov. collude to settle with Deutsche Bank and PHH Ocwen, or obliterate $4M judgment?
There's been an uptick in libel lawsuits filed against Wayne Dolcefino Consulting in state and federal court. Is he facing early retirement?
Pro se litigant Van Deelen's involvement became an irritant, an unwanted delay to the judge and lawyers thirst for financial greed.
US Bankruptcy Chief Judge David R Jones and long-term girlfriend and former law clerk, Houston lawyer Elizabeth Freeman's financial crimes.
Court decision raises eyebrows, pointing to the lack of authority in the quitclaim deeds presented by attorney Tamika Craft Demming.
Trump's Goldman Sachs Cabinet appointments allowed the largest Wall Street players to remain as virulent and parasitic as they are now.
On the other hand, the secrets of American businesses and citizens residing in the Republic of Texas are made public by default.
Credit repair is an extension of Gannon's many hats, via his paralegal Chris Erbert and his business, which is not registered with...
Judge Higginson wrote the opinion for the 3-panel comprising of Judges Graves and Douglas, leaving ethical questions open to investigation.
New Media Agenda: Tucker Carlson and Glenn Beck Join Forces with recently impeached Texas AG Ken Paxton and Donald Trump to Launch...
Crowdfunding Real Estate Collapses as the Play on Residential Mortgage Back Securities (RMBS) fails with former Rescap Officers at Helm.
When Texas Senator Joan Huffman knowingly and willfully violated Texas Ethics by failing to disclose her financial interests, that's perjury.
Despite a default judgment, Indymac Bank, Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC and Fannie Mae vindictively litigated to reinstate their case. They lost.
The irony in this whole situation is that Sen. Schumer was trying to warn about a run on the bank, when that...
You will note in the FDIC litigation involving Indymac Bank, Victor Woodworth is listed as Senior Vice President.
You will note in the FDIC litigation involving Indymac Bank, Simon Heyrick is listed as Chief Credit Officer, Enterprise Risk Mgt Committee.
Breaking Precedent: Texas First Court of Appeals Backs Yellowfin Judgments Amidst Contentious and Jaw-dropping Legal Reasoning.