If you're a lawyer who doesn't mind thievin' or stealin' real estate from distressed or elderly homeowners, become a lawyer or judge...
LIT's Ongoing Investigations Expose the Legal Culprits: Unraveling the Dark Web of Mortgage Fraud and Elder Abuse in Texas Courts.
Mental illness issues re Sen. Fetterman and Judge Hildago publicly lauded but distressed homeowners are left to commit suicide by foreclosure.
LIT's investigation lays bare a troubling story of elder abuse, with Deutsche Bank, PHH and legal counsel at the center of the...
Credit Repair Giant Lexington Law Nears Collapse: Files for Ch. 11, Lays Off 80% of Workforce Amid $2.7 Billion Deceptive Marketing Scandal.
Legal Vigilance at 85: Widow's Stand Against Unlawful Property Seizure as Her Brave Crusade Shines Light on Wall St. Property Theft Tactics.
US Gov. partners with Home Thievin' Nazi German Deutsche Bank, which stores in excess of 21 million homeowners legal documents.
We sustain Flores’s single issue on appeal. Her claims were improperly disposed of through the grant of a Rule 91a motion to...
Judge Tami Craft’s colorful past and present conduct is disqualifying in nature according to the rules of judicial conduct.
Bandit Appellate Lawyer Mark Hopkins was relegated to second chair at Supreme Court oral argument as his case crumbled before the court.
LIT founder is suing Mackie Wolf, creditor rights law firm for elder abuse by commencing a wrongful foreclosure against an 85 yr-old...
For the foregoing reasons, the Court hereby ORDERS that Intervenors’ Motions for Preliminary Injunction are GRANTED.
Expedited Foreclosure Lawsuit re 4259 DRAKE ST HOUSTON TX 77005 by Deutsche Bank National Trust Co to seize home and evict Barbara...
Time Takes its Toll: CFPB's late stand against illegal payday lenders James and Melissa Carnes for hiding assets after $40 million judgement.
Former attorney at Abraham Watkins, debt collector Jay Jackson of Burford Perry even stalked Bailey's home as part of his recorded timesheet.
One problem is that they are suing to collect alleged delinquent debts in Texas, but their selected law firms are in violation...
The Greatest Theft of Citizens Homes in American History: This case proves Lender Underwriting Fraud. Citizens Homes Are Still Being Stolen.
LIT's Real Scumbag Series notes Erick Delarue has filed another fraudulent lawsuit in Harris County District Court.