The “good cause” requisite to recall the mandate is the showing of need to avoid injustice.
In the past six years, the Senate received articles of impeachment for not one but two federal judges, said Sen. Chuck Grassley.
Judiciary leaders are expressing deep concern that Congress has failed to provide funding to protect federal judges. LIT says don't fund 'em.
Judge Nelson puts PRMI on the hook for just over $22 million altogether, with 75% of that sum being awarded to law...
Remember their names; Senators Bob Menendez and Cory Booker, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin, Feinstein, Graham and Kennedy
The CFPB amendments provide that a mortgage servicer can offer a streamline modification to borrowers with COVID-19-related hardship based on an incomplete...
The subcommittee proposes that Rule 35 be abrogated and that a single rule— Rule 40—govern all petitions for rehearing.
Lawyer legal training and practice blur the line between truth and falsity. As a judge or justice they will find it hard...
Residential Capital filed lawsuits against 12 lenders that originated poor quality loans that ResCap purchased and securitized, including PRMI.
The Cali bar wants to disbar Girardi, accusing him of misappropriating millions in client funds, dishonesty and more. The Bar needs a...
The profound events of 2007 and 2008 known as the financial crisis or the great recession and blame is documented in the...
There's a long list of amici backing AFPF, which is not surprising as these legal non-profits are representing the billionaires who effectively...
The one percenters: Billionaires, lawyers, academics, politicians are all in the money game. Because money decides who wins in America, not the...
Three corrupt bankers and loan officers earned just shy of $7 million dollars in commissions with origination of $876 million in fraudulent...
Victims of wrongful foreclosures find justice absent as the banks perpetuating the crimes against them remain too big to be held accountable.
The State Bar of California Is Not Effectively Managing Its System for Investigating and Disciplining Attorneys Who Abuse the Public Trust
RFC reached settlements totaling approximately $9 billion, with the RMBS Trusts and several of the Monoline Insurers re packaged Toxic Loans.
Latest on CashCall, Inc: They are to pay more than $134 million in legal restitution. Compare that to the other 3 CFPB...