
The Virginia State Bar is Interested in Threesomes but Not Criminal Perjury

Virginia lawyer Scott Lehman is facing state bar complaint he tried to get a jailed client to have a threesome with him and another client.


The Virginia State Bar pushing for sexual misconduct case  against Virginia attorney Lehman, but rejects citizens complaints against 2 biglaw Goodwin Procter lawyers who committed perjury repeatedly. It’s selective justice and the people are tired of the corruption within the state bars nationwide. #DefundTheBar

Va. Bar: Lawyer tried to get jailed client to have sex with him

Originally Published; Sept 5, 2020

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) — An attorney in Virginia is facing state bar accusations that he tried to get a jailed client to have a three-way sexual relationship with him and another female client.

A Virginia State Bar subcommittee certified the allegations against Virginia Beach attorney Scott A. Lehman last month, the Virginian-Pilot reported Friday.

Lehman, who has been a member of the bar since 2009, was given 21 days to respond and provide available dates for a hearing. He didn’t reply to a request for comment from the newspaper.

The jailed woman told sheriff’s officers that she met Lehman on the website Seeking Arrangement, which bills itself as a way for wealthy “sugar daddies” to meet women known as “sugar babies.” When she was jailed for a probation violation in 2019, she asked him for help, according to the 13-page certification document.

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The Virginia State Bar is Interested in Threesomes but Not Criminal Perjury
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