
Bandit Lawyer Erick DeLaRogue and His Client Carl D. Rivers Preposterous Claims Granted $500 TRO

The storytellin’ and untruthful lawsuits clearly have no boundaries with Houston-based foreclosure defense lawyer Erick Delarue.


Rivers v. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.


District Court, S.D. Texas

Judge Werlein recuses, Judge Bennett assigned

AUG 19, 2024 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: AUG 27, 2024
AUG 27, 2024

Above is the date LIT Last updated this article.

Kimberly (“Kim”) L Rivers sold the home in 2002 to Carl Elson Rivers with Carl E. executing the $159k mortgage with Greenpoint. The sale was signed by Kim Rivers and Carl D Rivers (“Pro Forma”) on Sept. 27, 2002.

Release of lien in 2003 – the $159k MERS /Greenpoint (Carl Elson)

Wash Mutual to JPMorgan assignment $164k (recorded 2017 – Carl Elson and Annie Rivers.)

Carl Elson Rivers – RPR

Carl D Rivers – Grantor

Carl D Rivers – Grantee

Carl D Rivers Foreclosed in 2010 (different property)

Carl Elson Rivers dies circa 2021 and then there’s the litigation against Annie et al from 2021 to Jan 2024. Due to no response by Annie, there’s a default against Annie for the amount of the $164k mortgage plus other costs and fees.

Hence, it is rather questionable that Delarue’s petition and Carl D. Elson’s declaration claim that (i) the mortgage was paid off when they sold the home to Carl E, and (ii) claim they don’t know Carl Elson Rivers .

Carl D. Rivers and Kimberly Rivers V. Estate of Carl Elson Rivers, Jr., Annie Rivers, and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.


DEC 6, 2021 | REPUBLISHED BY LIT: AUG 27, 2024

Attorney Erick Joseph Delarue Plays the Arabian Name Game with Equestrian Stacey Mlak

Wells Fargo filed for an expedited foreclosure in July. The default hearing is set for Oct. 15, 2024. Delarue commenced new proceedings.

Harris County Criminal Magistrate Judge Sharon Chu aka Muharib’s Bad Faith Bankruptcy Dismissed

Jan. 2024: The judges of Harris County District Courts appointed Sharon Chu Criminal Law Hearing Officer. In federal court, this happened.

The Art of Legal Obscurity: Attorney Erick Joseph Delarue and His Stance of Non-Disclosure

One would assume the court would review its own dockets of past litigation as a pre-TRO check – or ask at the hearing. You’d be mistaken.

Bandit Lawyer Erick DeLaRogue and His Client Carl D. Rivers Preposterous Claims Granted $500 TRO
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