Statement by LIT Regarding the now Elder and Disabled Burkes Case(s) Against Ochlocracy and for Justice in American Federal District and Circuit Courts
The Eleventh Circuit 3-Panel comprising of Judges Wilson, Newsom and Anderson correctly ruled United States District Judge Kenneth Marra of the Southern District in Florida clearly abused his discretion when he dismissed the Burkes renewed motion to intervene.
Thereafter, the 3-Panel’s opinion slid into darkness and equivalent mindset of the current Russian government and President, who has become a Stalinist war-criminal, obliterating the lives and liberties and freedom of people, all while violating [international] laws and treaties.
In short, he has blood on his hands, the kind which can never be forgiven. In response to the war, there was an outcry by most of the civilized world.
Led by a defiant President Volodymyr Zelensky, he asked that Russia be labeled as a ‘terrorist state’.
He is determined that war-criminal Vladimir Putin will not prevail:-
“We will fight at sea, we will fight in the air, we will protect our land. “We will fight everywhere… and we will not surrender.”
(citing Churchill), and
“The fight is here; I need ammunition, not a ride.”
Zelensky’s defense of their homeland has just started.
In the United States of America, the Burkes have been fighting their war against judicial ochlocracy and public corruption, by penning truths in the form of the written word, rather than discharging ammunition, to protect their civil rights, freedom and most importantly their property, for over thirteen long and painful years.
As a result of this wrongful and extended litigation, in which they prevailed not once but twice, the first time after a bench trial in US District Court, Houston, in 2015 and again in 2017 only to be overturned erroneously and maliciously by the Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on appeal, the Burkes are now elder and disabled citizens who are nearer the end than the beginning.
However, that is only one of an arsenal of shameful tactics employed to wear down law-abiding citizens who dare to question the judiciary’s ethical compass.
That stated, we are aware of their resolve, which, like Zelensky, is unrelenting.
LIT joins the Burkes fight for democracy and honest judges on federal benches nationwide, which is not insular, and like the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, it affects millions of homeowners and citizens in the United States. The Burkes have stated they will revisit prior legal argument and also provide new case law and argument in support of their declaration of judicial ochlocracy and public corruption, and how it must fail in this case.
The Burkes have stated to LIT they intend to provide cohesive and convincing evidence as to why the 3-panel opinion is an embarrassment to the judiciary, and indeed all branches of government, who nominated, interviewed, appointed and continue to support these corrupt, lifetime appointed judges. They have explained to LIT why their anticipated petition for rehearing and rehearing en banc should be transferred and then reviewed and granted by a circuit court other than the Eleventh Circuit and the sister court, the Fifth Circuit.
In our non-legal opinion, we agree, it’s a sound legal argument when reviewing the true facts of this case.
Returning to the judicial activists’ opinion in this appeal, after agreeing with the Burkes that Senior Judge Marra abused his position, LIT’s own analytical review shows these judges would thereafter violate the rule of law, U.S. Constitution and their judicial oaths.
First, the panel ‘vacated’ the lower court judgment, rather than ‘reverse’, which is legal err.
Second, the panel incorrectly stated there were only two questions which required to be answered in this appeal. This is false.
Third, the panel also decided, despite Judge Marra’s clear abuse, he did not need to recuse. That is absurd.
Fourth, the 3-panel did not reach the reassignment question, which was blanked, along with many of the Burkes arguments on appeal.
In summary, the conduct of these judges, by applying their signature to this subversive opinion, is both criminal and impeachable.
It would appear to LIT, this manipulated opinion has been issued to protect the judgment in the first Intervention and appeal.
However, we are convinced, the Burkes evidence as presented in the current appeal and renewed motion to Intervene supported Judge Marra’s removal from the lower court case.
The above highlights the lack of trust by the public towards the judiciary and the United States government. For example, both the media and the public have already caused major disruption and mayhem within the federal judicial system, including the dark money group, known as the Federalist Society.
Lamentably, the response by the judicial branch has been one of defiance, as documented in the U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice’s year end report, and an attempt to go underground – e.g., U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch banning all media at his Federalist Society speech in Orlando, Florida in January 2022 – rather than become more transparent and open to change.
LIT predicts, it’s too late for both of these unsustainable strategies and the people will ultimately prevail.
This is no longer 1788. This is a new world and a new America.
The judiciary should recognize they have been busted. It’s a decrepit, broken and corrupt secret society embalmed in masonic-styled hypocrisy.
It is an institution which continues to tarnish the reputation of the government and America as a democracy.
The third branch of government has the lowest public trust rating in recent polls.
Put another way, it is time to stop the ochlocracy and allow for a much overdue intervention. LIT suggests, the judiciary along the legislative and executive branches of government should come to the table, admit their wrongdoing and enter into a consent agreement which will allow for new legislation and laws to be put into place to provide independent oversight of the judiciary and for lifetime appointments to be vetoed.
In the meantime, let’s summarize this tragic case, which is ongoing. (The Burkes have requested, and been granted a humanitarian extension of time to file their requested Petition for Rehearing en banc).
When the time arrives, the Eleventh Circuit should transfer this rehearing to another Circuit (barring the 5th), who should grant the petition and thereafter apply the law correctly to this case, which will result in reversing the jurisdictional issue, include taxable costs to be awarded to the Burkes, and disqualify Judge Kenneth A. Marra from further involvement in the Burkes renewed motion to intervene while on remand.
LIT knows this would be the correct decision. Whether it will happen, time will tell – but rest assured, we’ll be here to pen the result.