On May 8, 2019, T. Wesley Holmes [#09908495], 55, of Dallas, agreed to a 48-month active suspension effective May 15, 2019.
An evidentiary panel of the District 6 Grievance Committee found that Holmes failed to hold funds belonging to a third person that were in Holmes’ possession in connection with the representation separate from Holmes’ own property.
Holmes failed to promptly deliver to the third person funds that the third person was entitled to receive. Upon request by the third person, Holmes failed to promptly render a full accounting regarding such funds.
Holmes engaged in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation.
Holmes violated Rules 1.14(a), 1.14(b), and 8.04(a)(3).
He was ordered to pay $987,807 in restitution and $1,500 in attorneys’ fees and direct expenses.
In 2011, the parties settled part of a case involving a dispute over the sale of a business. In the rule 11 settlement agreement, which was dictated into the record, the parties agreed to entry of a $1.7 million judgment to address one aspect of the dispute and agreed to allow the trial court to resolve one issue of contract interpretation.
The parties also agreed to allow the contract interpretation ruling to be appealed, and agreed that the party who ultimately prevailed on that issue would be entitled to receive fifteen percent of gross receipts collected by CTMI from certain projects during the course of the appellate process.
Those funds were to be kept in an escrow account established and held by attorney Wesley Holmes.
CTMI was required to fund the escrow account as revenue from the Devon projects was received. The fifteen percent gross receipts would be distributed to the party who ultimately prevailed on appeal. Following appeals to this Court and the Texas Supreme Court, Ray Fischer ultimately prevailed on the issue of contract interpretation and was entitled to distribution of fifteen percent of the gross revenue being held in escrow.
See Ray Fischer and Corporate Tax Management, Inc. v. CTMI, L.L.C., 479 S.W.3d 231 (Tex. 2016).
The Supreme Court’s mandate issued in that appeal on February 19, 2016.
The current dispute relates to the money owed to Fischer from escrow.
Relators claim they complied with their responsibilities under the settlement agreement by placing all required funds into the escrow account held by Holmes.
However, CTMI alleges that Holmes absconded with the money it placed in the escrow account.
Interesting to note that Wes Holmes was the lawyer in the infamous Dallas Judge and Lawyer Affair, known as the $100 Million Dollar Affair
“A former scout team linebacker for the Baylor University football team, Wes had been practicing law since 1989 and specialized in probate and business litigation. He had spent more than a year involved in a contentious probate case in Judge Peyton’s court, with a brother and sister fighting over their father’s $100 million company. The judge had a reputation for being fair and mild-mannered. Was it possible, Wes wondered, that Judge Peyton was romantically involved with a lawyer on the opposing side?”
Wes Holmes is surrounded by Wealthy Clients in Dallas as this “D” [Dallas] Magazine Article Confirms;
Hunt vs. Hunt: The Fight Inside Dallas’ Wealthiest Family
The Hunt family is one of the richest and most private families in Dallas. Now, with one member suing the others, things are about to get very public and very ugly.
Wes Holmes, a Dallas lawyer specializing in trust and estate disputes, is quite possibly the last lawyer left in Dallas who has not worked for the Hunt family. Trust law is quite malleable, unlike tax law, he says. Even self-dealing isn’t always illegal, if the end result was fair and benefited the beneficiary, included full disclosure and didn’t line the pockets of the trustee. “But as a general proposition, you don’t get to come in and rewrite the trust, he says.
Fisher Holmes & Welch A Professional Corporation Corporation
500 North Akard Street # 2800
Dallas, TX 75201

Valerie ackerman RN-bc
October 16, 2019 at 3:35 am
Wes Holmes was one of lawyers responsible for the 4th estate theft I experienced. Mary Burdette loved changing BENEFICIARIES and injuncting trusts.Jim Hartnett and Wes Holmes broke into my Chase bank box to change my depo to make me appear incapacitated. He really was bad then.Why is he still allowed in a courtroom?without handcuffs?
Valerie ackerman RN-bc
October 16, 2019 at 3:41 am
Wrandallackerman has tried to murder valerie 4 times,he will succeed with susan susan McDermott as trustee frost bank appointed