The Burkes finally obtain a reply from the Virginia State Bar, after sending an open letter to the Senate Committee but the...
This complaint is against an attorney registered with the Florida State Bar. The lawyers’ name is Catalina Azuero and she works for...
This is a GOOD case example where the Florida Supreme Court issued an opinion in an underlying case and sent the case...
An attorney who fails to observe his obligation of undivided loyalty to his client injures his profession and demeans it in the...
Illinois Supreme Court held that Himmel, an attorney with no prior record of complaints, should be suspended for one year for failing...
Mathew Matoma graduated from Stanford Business School - presumably omitting his Harvard Law expulsion from his application - and wound up at...
Always go above and beyond for your clients, said former Chairman David Hashmall. That is the key to being a successful lawyer....
Altisource provides property preservation services to Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC for the purpose of protecting its interest in a distressed property.
Goodwin Procter LLP is conducting stealth layoffs and trying to keep it under wraps by having affected associates sign confidentiality agreements.
The VSB’s disciplinary process is not a substitute forum to address concerns that were the subject of court proceedings. So says James...
Thomas "Tom" Hefferon is a partner at Goodwin Procter. He concentrates on defending prominent financial institutions facing litigation in courts nationwide.
Matthew 'Matt' Sheldon is a partner in Goodwin Procter LLP's Financial Industry and Consumer Financial Services Litigation practices.
Judge Hughes routinely denies plaintiffs Constitutional due process under the 14th Amendment and the right to a civil jury trial under the...
Barr’s view of history, including his claim that the Founders shared in any respect his vision of an unchecked president, and his...
AG Bill Barr; More recently, the Dodd-Frank Act’s creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Branch, a single-headed independent agency that functions like...
A legal ethics panel for members of the District of Columbia bar has recommended suspending conservative attorney Larry Klayman from practicing law...
Fifth Circuit Judge Kyle Duncan is a member of the Federalist Society (a conservative law and policy group whose membership has yielded...
But attorney-client privilege does not extend to conversations in furtherance of a future crime and attorneys have no immunity from prosecution for...