Final Judgment Amount: As Appellant did not press the issue before the district court, the claims have been forfeited. 5th Circuit.
A federal appeals court issued a remarkable decision last week finding that Texas judges are exempt from federal subpoenas via immunity.
Laura Minor: From what I can see today and heard — the judiciary’s insistence on self-policing only serves its interest in self-protection.
A new electronic financial disclosure system currently is under development for releasing federal judges financial disclosure reports.
The Judiciary Bullies Congress: The legislation would create a substantial risk to litigants’ access to justice by raising filing fees.
The significant and distressing difference is the Burkes battle is not just with the opposing parties, but with the judicial machinery itself.
Will the members of this group advocate for pro se access to electronic filing rights, sealed documents and also basic access to...
Code of Conduct for Law Clerks are legally authoritative and binding on law clerks even after they leave judges’ employment.
McGirt, a case in which the Court held that parts of eastern Oklahoma are an Indian reservation subject to exclusive federal jurisdiction.
One cannot allow one federal court in the State of Texas to allow pro se to file electronically and another deny all...
The discovery protocols are biased in favor of the bank or non-bank and the gag order is in violation of the first...