Juliana Thurab is a Contract Management Coordinator at Ocwen Financial based in West Palm Beach, Florida. She submitted a perjured affidavit.
The Department of InJustice announced the results of an ongoing initiative to combat the growing epidemic of mortgage fraud. Now they hide...
Douglas engaged in the highly unusual transfer of a personally significant asset—his $1.6 million residence—to two insiders for a dollar.
BOKF relies, principally, on a deed-of-trust provision purporting to allow it to "charge Casalicchio fees for services performed in connection with [his]...
Brantley Starr conflicts with Senior Judge Gray Miller in his reasoning for allowing attorney fees, citing § 38.001(8) which Miller rejected.
Citizens: Wall Street Wants Your Residential Homes. Only you, homeowners, renters and citizens can prevent it from becoming a dark reality.