Credit Repair Giant Lexington Law Nears Collapse: Files for Ch. 11, Lays Off 80% of Workforce Amid $2.7 Billion Deceptive Marketing Scandal.
Operating an unregistered CSO is a violation of Chapter 393, Finance Code, and may also be a criminal offense.
Manchee know consumers coming out of bankruptcy don’t have extra money to be hiring attorneys, so all our cases are on a...
LIT compares Bonded Debt Collector and Dallas solo Law Firm of Jack M. Kuykendall with Rogue Debt Collection Law Firm Scheef and...
Debt Management or Settlement Services in Texas Require Registration, Licensing and Annual Reporting. Alice Bower is Not Licensed in Texas.
His Dad may have been a Judge, but this Texas Lawyer and Firm is not licensed in the State with the OCCC...
An astounding figure, since there are thousands of debt co's offering debt mgt services, debt settlement and related regulated svcs in TX.