This motion revolves around the Magna Carta and the Constitution, which has been brutally slighted by Judge Patrick E. Higginbotham and the...
On Monday, 28th October, the Fifth Circuit Denied the Homeowners Motion to Stay care of an order by single Judge Patrick (no...
When systems fail, we must preserve access to our justice system. When people mistakenly believe most lawsuits are meritless, consumers slowly lose the...
The ABA, recognizing the urgency and timeliness of these issues, has chosen Free Speech, Free Press, Free Society for this year’s Law...
From the attorneys perspective, what they might notice the most is who is assigned at their arguments. Beyond that, you would have...
Fifth Circuit tosses Another Judgment against DeJoria - as Lobbyist and Gregg Abbott's Pal Gets the Texas Constitution Interpreted just for his...
ORAL ARGUMENT HEARD before Judges Haynes, Graves, Ho. Arguing Person Information Updated for: Daron L. Janis arguing for Appellant Federal Home Loan...
Uncorrected, the 5th circuit panel opinion will substantially undermine receivership courts ability to protect estate property in this circuit, presenting an issue...
Overseeing a case last year involving James Patrick Allen, a homeowner in Victoria, Tex., Judge Steen examined BDF Law Group's conduct in...
A proper respect for state functions, a recognition of the fact that the entire country is made up of a Union of...
The Fifth Circuit declined to broaden the exceptions to the Texas rule of attorney immunity with respect to liability to non-clients in...
SB 830 - Relating to the provision of accounting statements by mortgage servicers for certain loans secured by a lien on residential...