Married to a judge, Bishop was a behind-the-scenes power in deciding who would get on the bench and stay there; in return...
Carla B. Gaines, an attorney formerly licensed in Georgia, has been sentenced to federal prison for stealing client money and lying about...
Texas Malpractice lawyer Colb says his process server tried to serve Garza multiple times, but she failed to call the process server...
Houston attorney JL Sadick hit with a federal lawsuit alleging he mishandled more than $1 million in escrow funds in a botched...
A Texas federal judge ordered a glue manufacturer to pay a furniture manufacturer $60,000 in attorney fees after one of the glue...
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has joined a lawsuit against the State Bar of Texas, but the Judge responsible is taking his...
The State Bar of Texas' March Madness List of 15 disciplined lawyers and judges. Then there's the secret eight, a list of...
Eggert was licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania and the Northern District of Texas in 2004. The following year, Eggert moved to...
The Melasky’s were not willing taxpayers. The fact that they were chronically delinquent and that Mrs. Melasky refused to make distributions from...
The State Bar of Texas' Superbowl February List of 16 'Sacked' lawyers, and a judge that's promoting his brother. Then there's the...
A comment to the rule says the word discrimination is to be “construed broadly,” and it includes “derogatory and demeaning language.”
Ethics Resources Abound for Texas Lawyers But these Texas Attorney's Prefer to Like, Share and Subscribe to Vinny on Netflix and the...